Joe mama?
"pet" is also a verb.
I usually see downvotes on comments that go against hexbear. Maybe bears with accounts on multiple instances.
Yeah, I saw that there are very few downvotes on hb posts and assumed they are disabled for the instance. But I do still see some downvotes. Are those coming from other instances?
Woah, didn't think I would guess the CD-i thing.
Wonder who downvoted me and why.
True. I intend to live forever and so far so good.
I knew you were a hexbear user because:
a. you used an inline image in your comment
b. you used that image
What the heck is it, what's the origin, and what is it supposed to mean? Looks like some Philips CD-i game.
There aren't that many. A good chunk of us here are Linux nerds. You don't have to be condescending about confronting (I assume) intentional misinterpretation of comments.
I suppose, at this point, I want to understand whether you accidentally misinterpreted the context of the original comment (downloading .exe from TPB) or intentionally misinterpreted it for "comedic effect".
So is your point to argue semantics?
"Downloading" colloquially referes to the proces of saving some data onto persistent storage device. When you open HTML pages they are loaded directly into RAM. They might be saved to drive if they are cached. But no regular person would refer to that process as downloading. Even I, as a webdev, don't.