Candles around the bath! One behind my head got a bit out of control and caught the bath pillow. It was made from something super flammable (or inflammable?) so it went up quickly. It singed a few hairs and the pillow was ruined, but no injuries or damage otherwise!
I set my bath pillow on fire once - while I was in the bath. I was well impressed with my quick thinking just to yank in down into the bathwater to put it out. My partner was too unimpressed with my stupidity/carelessness to appreciate my quick reflexes!
Would this truly be the suggested set up though? An inflatable pool in your dining room? I used to have hydrotherapy until I found it too difficult to actually get there. They recommended warm baths, not that I DIY one in my house!
That’s weird. On the avelon app I used to post it, it’s formatted correctly.
It’s fine by me - thanks for the link. There’s actually a McMansion Hell community here too:
Oh, I missed that. I’m not sure I’d call that surreal though. It’s probably weirder to me that they don’t explicitly say that he owned the business “and served the community with compassion and dedication” or some fluff like that.
Why is it surreal, because it’s not written by a family member? Or because they don’t actually say he died?
In the UK “toilets under the stairs” are quite common, both my childhood houses had one. They’re converted from old school larders so they’re tiny, and I’m sure neither had a 15” gap before the sink.
Thank you for taking the time to write that - it’s made a very horrible week a little bit better. I appreciate it 😊
Do you remember the creepy Ronald McDonald statue things they had back in the 90s that were made out of fibreglass? That’s my bet. A creepy fibreglass Elvis.
Imagine paying to use someone’s “hydrotherapy pool” only to turn up and see this! 😂 yeah, there’s a house near me that has a small indoor swimming pool that’s rented out for hydro. It’s really expensive though.