I feel like whoever buys this should turn the garden into a satanic shrine, just to balance things out.
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
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I mean, it’s already a pretty good Pagan nature temple.
This is true! It just needs a sacred tree and a few triskellions to complete the look.
And loads and loads of wild flowers and "weeds" like dandelions.
Paint it, have it appraised for many moneys, hang it there and watch the neighbour somehow ruin it. Claim damages for many money.
Excellent place for a gay bar.
Seems fitting, Jesus loved saying "Ah... Men"
The garden might be in Ireland, so it could be Eamonn.
Start a war!
A fabulous war.
Nuclear war
I am not well versed in religion but wasn't it their god that said not to idolize him ?
It’s fine, they’re mostly idolising his mum.
That link is actually a pretty wild ride. Excerpt: "Father Jerome of Texo, of the Society of Jesus, rejoiced in the name of slave of Mary; and, as a mark of servitude, went often to visit her in some church dedicated in her honor. On reaching the church, he poured out abundant tears of tenderness and love for Mary; then prostrating, he licked and rubbed the pavement with his tongue and face, kissing it a thousand times, because it was the house of his beloved Lady".
to me, this is a dichotomy of spiritual symbolism and worship of nature. I prefer the one on the right, personally.
Crazy lives there. It pretends to not be crazy by saying “God” all the time.
Jesus Christ 😶
Neighbors coming over.. "have you found Jesus?"
"No, but we're still looking"
Having a ton of crucifixes up on a wall gets a lot funnier if you see them as hunting trophies.
Mow your lawn! Trim your hedges!
But the animals live there ._.
Religious decor is one thing but does it also need to look so kitschy
I think I prefer kitschy than the hyper realistic crucifix paintings/statues. The one at my church when I was a kid was terrifying - I’d always drag my mum to the side where peaceful Mary was rather than tortured Jesus!