We have literal Nazis stealing all our private information right this second…but THIS is the bill that gets to the floor?
Fiddling while Rome burns.
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We have literal Nazis stealing all our private information right this second…but THIS is the bill that gets to the floor?
Fiddling while Rome burns.
I don't think you understand. Rome burning is the distraction. Shit like this is the real goal. The U.S. will be lucky if it hasn't collapsed to neo-feudalism in the next four years.
is anime a form of Piracy?! One Piece I guess?!
Do they not know the concept of piracy? That's like Walmart and Target backing a new bill to stop shoplifting.
They could just make a better service. Between the password sharing, and everything being scattered everywhere, what did they expect? I'm going to pay for half a dozen services and still not get to watch what I want? Or I may be able to watch it and pay for the privilege to see ubskippable ads? You can only beat us with so many sticks before we stop feeling it. Come back with a carrot.
It's much harder when all your ISPs and the world's largest DNS resolvers block the IPs or resolving the DNS, which is what this dystopian bill proposes. Make no mistake, this is Orwellian censorship masquerading as piracy protection.
"Effectively kill piracy" - Sure guys, this time it'll work.
I checked it again and its STILL at 0 Cosponsors and sitting in the committees inbox if it wasn't already rejected.
Even if it passed making piracy super extra illegal+ it's targeting google and cloud flare to block access to sites within 15 days that could still easily be reached outside their boundaries. It's political theater for mpaa riaa etc industry association lobbyists to show they got something for their bribes.
I don't currently sail the high seas, but clamping down on access and making it harder to enjoy content, increasing prices, blocking account sharing, and adding unskippable ads and promos make me want to pirate, just out of spite!
Oh. Making something illegal illegal again? That’ll be effective.
If you read the bill, heavily sponsored by the MPA, part of it is about forcing ISPs (and presumably US based VPNs) to block the DNS/URLs of "foreign criminal" sites.
It's laying the groundwork for a Great American Firewall.
If you use a US-based VPN, you fucked up yourself.
Viva la Mullvad. I was sick of being bullied into buying more to get a deal. It may not be the cheapest, but I love that it's the same price across the board.
Plus, the only way you're going to get anything cheaper is by locking into a 1-3 year plan when you may not even need it every month.
So many long games are being played now, it's like everything is laying groundwork for something else. Would be nice for laws to just do what they do.
It's a slippery slope. Soon they will make doing illegal things a crime.
It is impossible to ban piracy. The whole concept is that it's not legal to begin with.
I bet Lars Ulrich is so proud that he killed music piracy back when he killed napster.
Except wait.....no he didn't he killed A service. Meaning singular. The concept of piracy moved on. We got limewire and torrents.
The ONLY thing that has slowed (if not stopped) music piracy is making the content readily and easily available in a convienent consumption method at a reasonable price.
Shocking, I know.
The invention of iTunes CHARGING money for music in a (at the time) new more convienent method of music consumption at a reasonable price did leaps and bounds more to destroy piracy than Napsters downfall ever could.
Now if only video services would learn this lession. Because it's the same lession. I don't know how they missed the memo on this.
Put your video in one centralized place. Make it hassle free to watch. Charge a reasonable price. Piracy dies overnight.
And just to prove it, show of hands. Who here would go through the effort and risk of pirating, if Netflix had everything you wanted to watch, for $5 a month? Who here would say no, and still pirate? Reply below and tell me if you would still pirate with those conditions?
But instead, netflix is pushing $20 a month, and the video hosting is fractured among multiple hosts, all of which overcharge, AND want to serve ads.
Oh hey, right on cue. It's a skull and bones flag approaching.
I would still pirate. I like to have the files instead of proprietary apps
Stop hiking prices on streaming services and making them awful to use while ending sales of physical media and I won't pirate content.
Totally on board.
Physical media meant straightforward ownership. I have it and I will have it. The distributor I bought from went out of business? I don't notice, my copy still works. My distributor turns out not to have had the rights to sell it to me? Well that's bad but it's done and I have my copy. I start a series and I know I can finish it before the rights move to some other distributor.
Netflix early streaming days were magic. One service had rights to pretty much everything and was relatively affordable. Now each service has a tiny fraction of old Netflix and each one costs more than twice what Netflix streaming did. Frankly paying 3x the netflix price would have been fine if the trend continued except for pricing, but alas, here we are. Also, there's no amount of money to pay to some of these services to make them shut up with ads, even with 'ad-free' offerings/plans.
We only pirate TV because it's easier and cheaper. If you actually had a catch all service (like old Netflix) for a low price, people would stop. Oh wait, we had that but greed got in the way again...
I used to be perfectly happy with Netflix and Google music + YouTube Red, but corporations were too greedy
I now use a mix of free Kodi TV, patched YouTube apps, rip music off tidal, and self host media on a lifetime premium Plex server.
As has often been reiterated: piracy is a service problem. If what you get by paying more is an inferior service, then people don’t want to pay for that service.
100% true, haven't pirated a single game since I started using Steam and actually having a paycheck since about 10 years ago
They don’t care. They don’t want to innovate, they want to force you to pay them for nothing in return.
Brilliant. Make murder illegal now.
The people who create these services will always be more clever and quick to implement workarounds than politicians. It's a futile battle.
Want to avoid piracy? Make getting things easier and more convenient.
Back when Netflix was £5-10 depending on tier, had a load of content, and an account could be shared between a few trusted people, I practically gave up pirating. Now it's £18 per month for 4K (and due to rise), and doesn't have those other positives going for it, I've abandoned it in favour of Radarr+Sonarr+Plex, and am having a better experience.
For video games, I predominantly buy from Steam, because it's a good service, and so far I have not seen any evidence that Valve are going to fuck me over. They've made gaming and all the things ancillary to it a lot more convenient. So I happily pay. If they embrace enshittification, guess what I'll do?
The only games I do pirate are Nintendo/Sega games that haven't been sold in decades. Why? Because there's no feasible other way to buy them and keep them!
I don't pirate music because Spotify. For all the issues I have with it (and boy do I have a few), it still has almost every song I search for, is fairly priced, and hasn't clamped down on account sharing in the same way Netflix/Disney/etc have. I'm part of a family where we split the cost. All the music I could possibly want for £2.20 per month? Fine by me! If that goes away, I go away, yarr harr.
Not to mention Valve spearheaded major development for making Linux gaming like 200% better than it used to be, with development of Proton and everything, and giving all those work back to the entire gaming community as open source products entirely for free, bring in momentum for an entire industry.
That's a company you support.
I'm so fucking glad Valve isn't beholden to shareholders.
You can't legislate piracy away...
But they can make up excuses for their arsenal for whenever they want to ban a site they don't like from common eyes.
"It was banned because it was pornography"
"It was banned because it was displaying pirated content"
"It was banned because it harmed the public good"
They want control over what the common people can see, hear, say, and think.
Yeah because pirates are notorious for giving up immediately when you make their jobs a little harder.
Make something people want to buy. That will help more.
EDIT On the anime and manga. Quite a few Japanese companies don't or refuse to officially release stuff in the west. Most of the ones who do, get fucked with by bad localizers.
It's crazy that Netflix originally knew this back in the 2010s. Somehow, over the years, they managed to forget this little nugget of wisdom.
They didn't forget, they simply became big enough they can act like every other corporation.
Sounds like their strategy is to force US companies to block access to piracy sites.
I already run my torrent client through a non-US VPN so this can literally be bypassed by adding this to my prowlarr docker compose:
network_mode: service:gluetun
They already banned pornhub and pornographers. Fascists are going to fash.
Been sailing the seas since 98. No intention of stopping. One thing I can promise is that you can't stop it.
Pirates always...uh...find a way.
In fact, when streaming services came out and were super affordable, it actually became a bit harder to find pirated movies/shows because people actually opted for the legal option. If the government wants to pull this garbage, it'll just bring many back into the fold and make it easier for me to sail the seas.
I started using pirated software in 1990, back when my first PC was gifted to me. All software I had was copied because I could not afford jack shit on my own. It is thanks to pirated (and open source) software that I have the career I have, and can afford to spend thousands of dollars on legitimate software, music, movies, books, etc.
Provide product people want and prices they can afford, and they'll buy them rather than pirate them. Don't persecute consumers of pirated products and most of them will eventually purchase legally.
It's like Gabe said (paraphrased): "Piracy is a service problem, not a pricing problem."
Make it easy to buy stuff and people will. But the more barriers you put up, the more people will pirate. Granted, there are persons like you (and I counted among those at one point) who cannot afford things from time-to-time, but we're a minority. Every game I've ever pirated from those days I have made sure to purchase once I was able to.
Make it available for easy purchase and people will buy it.
Oh no!
This is dumb considering that these types of streaming sites are how I actually discover anime and become a fan enough that i want to purchase merch. I pay for Crunchy Roll, but sometimes I want to check out stuff from other services. If I had to rely sheerly on legal services I wouldn't watch or discover half of what I did.
Legal services are also pretty inferior. I wanted to watch A certain Scientific Railgun.. Season 1 was dubbed, but season 2 on the service wasn't... I literally had to track it down on some streaming site to get access to what I'm paying for.
This is a huge deal.
More people should be fighting this.
Giving this much power to corporations isn't right.
If all else, copyright owners of any media should have the same power so they can effective end AI from stealing their content.