
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 21 points 20 hours ago

I feel like some people are just emotional reactionaries. They see a certain story, and in their own mind they make the story worse than it is, and treat their feelings as fact.

I have no sources on this, or proof that this guy in particular is doing that.

.........wait, am I doing it right now???


[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 days ago

Article says they were Canadian.

But even still, I love this quote:

"Despite criticism, he asserted: "We are perfectly happy here, we're not planning on leaving here, we're not stuck here, we're not hostages."

Ah yes. What a perfectly sane rational thing to say, for someone who clearly isn't a being subject to surveilence and orders under threat of violence.

I can't even count how many times I'll call my mom, and reassure her that living in Ohio, I'm not a hostage.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

Aw crap dude.....I don't think that deports them! That just makes them live in a shitty place!

[–] [email protected] 21 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I mean.....it's not the worst reaction! Sounds like he still loves you, and wasn't surprised.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 4 days ago

Literally never heard that name before. I assume he fights G.I. Joe in the 1980s?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Are you Jeff Goldbloom?

[–] [email protected] 14 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Fred at his height was the most subscribed person on youtube.

These people aren't celebrities. They're blink and you'll miss it wisps in the wind. Their downfall happens real fast once people stop giving a shit.

[–] [email protected] 44 points 4 days ago (12 children)

I mean......you're the only one engaging. Up until 3 days ago I had zero concept that this person existed.

So just shut up, and he'll go away. You don't see anybody talking about Fred anymore. HEEEY ITTSSS FREEEEDDD!!!! Remember him? Barely? Exactly.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

I was going to link to a video from There I Ruined It, doing a Taylor Swift song as a death metal song.

But either Taylor Swift had it removed, or Youtube auto deleted it.

Just know it was glorious.


So I found this rather amusing. This is a Hudson News store, which if you've never been to an airport in your life, is kind of like a corner store....except in an airport. Inflated prices and all.

Anyways, they have this display, and I found it funny. I work at the airport, and yesterday these two shirts were facing each other. The red one is a trump 2024 shirt, and you can clearly see the other is a Harris 2024 shirt. They're meant to be facing each other as if they're debating. But somebody turned the red shirt to face a pillar. So It doesn't matter if you're outside the store (the perspective this display is meant to be seen from) or inside the store, no matter which direction you see it from, it's just a blank red shirt.

Now maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I like to think it means somebody saw the image of a trump shirt, and got so offended they turned a lifeless mannequin to reject the message of the shirt. Thus making a political statement about the placement of a mannequin due to it's shirts content.

And when you think about it, that's the MOST hard a shirt can go in 2024. It's not quite censorship, but it IS sending a message..........or hell, maybe I'm wrong and somebody bumped the damn thing.

For the record though, I'm pro-Harris. I mean, not enough to buy a $60 T-Shirt that doesn't fit me at an airport, but still.


I've known since I was a kid that I'm depressed. I even have infant photos of me, where I look like I just hate life. Other baby photos the baby is smiling, and interested in everything. Whereas I look like even though I'm too young to even have thoughts, I'm still giving off body language of "leave me alone".

But when I started asking everyone I knew if they too were depressed, I haven't gotten one single person to say that they're happy. Everyone has said they're depressed. So now I wonder if it's a regional thing, or if everyone everywhere is depressed.


I'm 40, and when I was a teenager, EVERY band had CDs. And I know a lot of music has shifted to digital. So much so that I heard Best buy stopped selling CDs. Presumably because nobody buys them.

So I wonder what musicians sell besides t-shirts and posters at concerts. Do the kids have ANY CDs? Do they buy mp3's? Do they just use pandora and spotify? Do they even own their own music?

I've given up on trying to understand the lingo. Other generations lingo sounds stupid to me, but still understandable based on context.

I have NO idea what a skibifibi toilet is....sounds like a toilet after some taco bell and untalented jazz, but maybe I can try to understand their thought process on media consumption.

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