
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago (1 children)

And by the same user.

This dad is patient with his jokes.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

something that isn’t an SD card to the /sdcard directory?

Could be.

On my phone (Poco X3 Pro - stock Android 11, MIUI 12) the /sdcard is a symlink pointing to /storage/self/primary which itself is a symlink pointing to /storage/emulated/0, which is /data/media, the user-accessible portion of internal storage.
Though from what I can find it anyway is just emulated FAT filesystem which is actually ext4 under that.

Something about backwards compatibility as the directory used to actually be used for SD cards in the past.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I am talking about some devices using /sdcard to mount internal storage.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 day ago

Not Mullvad's fault, they're just on some of the used blocklists. Not really much you can do about it besides finding a not yet blocked servers.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (5 children)

But is it an SD card.

I mean, the directory name says so, but...

~ $ realpath /sdcard
~ $ may also not be.

[–] [email protected] 81 points 2 days ago (11 children)

Not everyone knows everything. Actually, nobody does.

Computers simply became an easily available necessity, thus you get a lot of computer-illiterate people using computers.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Cisco used to not be that selective.

They used to give out free Meraki APs to everyone just for attending their webinars. The catch with those devices was licensing. You've got some limited-time free license, and then you either paid or kept a paperweight.
At least officially. Some of them were later supported by OpenWRT, but newer ones are more locked down.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I mean, wouldn't that be similar to leaves moving in wind though?

[–] [email protected] 13 points 6 days ago (1 children)

This is obviously more elegant, but you can also use GPG in Termux.

Just saying.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Well, I do fuck up a lot.

Does that count?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

OH, least favorite.

I was wondering why everyone is so sarcastic.

Well, buggy software (MIUI) and the surveillance. I mean, there's a higher chance MIUI bricks itself during an update than with any Alpha-release custom ROM (so I don't update... [But it's also due to Android often removing features from API and breaking niche apps]).
E.g.: Wallpaper bug (stretched or awfully upscaled after changing brightness), brightness slider not working, broken screen rotation, battery drain, swapped L/R microphone audio channels, FM radio cutting out, system crashes and waves of killed apps, camera app in landscape has some buttons off-screen, MIUI screenshot tool occasionally breaks and stock screenshot tool is used (with full-blast audio sound effect no matter current volume settings), notification access service needs to be manually reset for each app after the app is restarted, 120Hz gets laggy after toggling battery saver on and off and needs to be manually reset, dark mode is forced on all apps but the setting to change this sorts all apps in random order,... Also, the Poco X3 Pro motherboard has a tendency to die. I am on this phone's third motherboard currently.

Also... the volume buttons can get stuck. Xiaomi phones have issues with dust particles making their way into buttons and activating them randomly.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (4 children)

As far as I know they don't have audits done, so who knows about the logging. Both IVPN and Mullvad pass those. Could still be fine though, but I'd rather trust Mullvad or IVPN.


They clearly show wear.
I am not sure if they were replaced from another older device, or the entire cover is from L390, but that one would have a plastic cover for where this one has a stylus. It doesn't seem like anything was snapped out of there.

I couldn't find replacement ones online, and I am not sure if contacting the shop is a good idea. See, the L390 Yoga has a touchscreen with better colors and seems to be a bit more expensive (but not much).
However, I bought this as "L390". I noticed the description said "Touchscreen: yes", which I realized meant they likely mistook the Yoga version for the base version. Indeed, that is the case.
Currently they have one L390 Yoga in similar condition and same configuration, but the screen has some white spots (this one is flawless), ...and it's €46 more expensive.

If you're curious, i5 8365U, 16GB RAM (single-channel), used 256GB Samsung SSD (I don't remember if SATA or NVME), €180 and 2 year warranty.

Also, if you're wondering what that port with network symbol is, it appears to be a proprietary connector used on ThinkPads requiring an "Ethernet Extension" adapter to be usable.


I used to think that age equated to percentage of life lived, thus I thought that most people live to close around 100.
But it also made me think that people only get old when they're like 80.

I mean like actually "old". The "old" adults were referring to. At that age I considered those 14/15 year old 9th graders old, just a bit different "old".


For some reason this happens to me, but only with Orbit. At least the watermelon ones (I prefer chewing gums that leave minimum taste), I don't know about others. It just turns into a disgusting paste.


OK, I hope my question doesn't get misunderstood, I can see how that could happen.
Just a product of overthinking.

Idea is that we can live fairly easily even with some diseases/disorders which could be-life threatening. Many of these are hereditary.
Since modern medicine increases our survival capabilities, the "weaker" individuals can also survive and have offsprings that could potentially inherit these weaknesses, and as this continues it could perhaps leave nearly all people suffering from such conditions further into future.

Does that sound like a realistic scenario? (Assuming we don't destroy ourselves along with the environment first...)


This battery lasts the life of the router under the operating environmental conditions specified for the router, and is not field-replaceable.

But who determines its lifespan?

Knowing there is a battery set to fail and I can't simply replace it makes me physically uncomfortable. Enough so that I'd rather it not have RTC.

Thanks Cisco.


First of all a disclaimer: I am not upset about the removal of manual server selection as this is a free service. They don't need to provide such services at all, so something is better than nothing.

What happened:
This morning I opened the ProtonVPN app on my phone and got greeted with a message stating free accounts can now only use automatic server selection and addition of free servers in Poland and Romania.
However, I also noticed split-tunelling is now paywalled as well.

Now, this is rather weird. Split-tunelling is already in the app and is something that works only on the client side, thus not putting any extra load on the servers. Quite the contrary, actually, as it allows some apps to not use the VPN, thus use less bandwidth.
The automatic-selection-only allows for better load balancing, so that makes sense.

Now to the workaround.
They still allow manual OpenVPN and Wireguard setup even for free accounts, at least for now.
To do so, login to ProtonVPN and go to account. There's OpenVPN credentials which are used for OpenVPN authentication. Then go to downloads, select appropriate options including the specific server and download the ovpn config file.
Client: OpenVPN for Android
This app also supports split tunneling (edit config -> Allowed apps).

ProtonVPN has an article on how to set up this app, but it's really just importing the config and adding your OpenVPN ProtonVPN credentials which you grabbed before.

I am sorry. (

These apps have support for huge amount of printers and allow printing over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and most importantly, USB.

It seems they might be based on some existing project, though. They all have very similar UI, and function the same.
Printer2Go and PrintHand don't just have similar UI, but exactly the same UI.


Same thing in CIT test menu:

Direct image link

I mean, this one is on me. I bought Poco X3 Pro knowing damn well it's plagued with issues. But €188 for phone with Snapdragon 860, 120Hz screen, big battery, stereo speakers, headphone jack and IR blaster 1 and a half years ago? Hell, that sounds too good.

And yes, before you ask, I have tried turning it off an on. Also resetting both from settings and recovery.


At least I can use Shazam


(I deeply apologize if this isn't the right community. It felt like the closest match.)

I like to keep all the menus and extras exactly as-is. So I just copy the whole DVDs into ISO files. These are then nicely playable in VLC.
However, wouldn't it be convenient to just have them in one location available over network? Just using NGINX with autoindex on sounded like a simple solution as VLC can stream from HTTP.

However, this doesn't seem to work with desktop version of VLC.
On Android VLC app, it works as I expected. I click on "New stream", enter e.g., hit enter, and it opens the "DVD" with menus and everything (only works if the DVD has intro before menu, which is most DVDs anyway).
But on desktop, it tries to play it as video, which obviously fails since that's not what it is. It just tries to play the first video in the file, and gives it some false timestamp, e.g.: 82 hours.

The only ideas I had was to try vlc dvd://"" which unsurprisingly couldn't load anything. Then I tried the --dvd= option which should set default DVD device or file, like so: vlc dvd:// --dvd= but that also didn't find anything.

Is there some way to force VLC to play the fed network stream as a DVD? If the Android app can do it, there's probably some way to do the same on desktop.

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