to me, this is a dichotomy of spiritual symbolism and worship of nature. I prefer the one on the right, personally.
I'd have plenty of questions about the VPN company though. Some of these would be the same as ISPs, some worse for VPN companies.
- do we know if they're compromised by our government or a foreign government?
- Are their systems actually secure?
- do they explicitly share data with a government, like they may be forced to?
- do they sell data and just lie about it?
- do they actually log data and lie about not logging or deleting it?
- what if they do something like an exit scam where it turns out they did collect all your info, and then sell it before they close up shop?
I always wonder about these 'omg bashing on trump' questions. It's because he's a highly confrontational jerk who makes a living from being controversial. To extend your analogy, yeah, if Chevy uh, was constantly insulting 60% of the country while ripping people off and tried to overthrow the government, people would probably be complaining about them in the same way.
To me, the problem is you are instead giving over all of your info to the VPN company, and still be tracked by other means such as fingerprinting of devices, cookies/site data or browsing patterns. Is some random VPN company more trustworthy than my ISP and who’s to say they aren’t sharing the information? Plus, the could also be subpoenaed/NSLed if that’s the concern.
88 is pretty fast, but not really time-travel fast. People frequently drive 80-95 on some roads in the US, especially now that speed limits are commonly 65-75 and as high as 85. I also recall when 55 was the standard.
It sounded like a lot when I was 6. My mom told me 40 mph was really fast.
but how do I give someone .0045 cents for no apparent reason??