They could on the fly change them.
As we say in Germany: 'Aufgeschoben ist nich aufgehoben!'
Actually I think the 'it’s unbelievable' should just be removed.
It's not just you, there are many down votes.
The joke - at least for me - is that as long as you are childless you don't know about it. Then once you have children it's just something which is happening to you unconsciously. And then someone writes it down and you read it and you think to yourself: 'wait a minute, that's so true, I do that all the time but nobody talks about it!'
Ah, that is probably what is happening on my daughters old iPad. I couldn't figure out how to wipe it and because she didn't use it for over a year and she forgot the passport. I'll try to remove it from her account. Or it probably is on her moms account or something.
I see a good use case for AI, can also be crowd sourced.
I'm not sure if he is my friend yet but I met another dad at the playground. Our children played a bit together so we started talking. Then at the end we gave each other our phone numbers and now our wifes who are both Korean stay in touch via KakaoTalk which is again a Korean social network ...
It's easier and less resource hungry to deliver targeted ads like that.