Yeah but if you value the cultural diversity of Europe why would you want to see it homogenised under one corporatist banner? Why should diversity be reduced to the special designation of a few products such as stilton and champagne?
What is right for the UK might not be right for the Republic of Ireland, what is right for Greece might not be right for Germany, What is right for France might not be right for Italy. Why should laws be drafted by completely unknown people in Brussels and applied to everybody?
Ultimately, why shouldn't people all across Europe have self-determination and autonomy? Don't we need more devolution not less?
Could we achieve this, and have free movement of people? Yeah, but not under what the E became. It certainly requires that people from poorer countries aren't used as basically scab/cheap labour to undermine pay and conditions of local workers of whatever origin.
Anyway, enough of that. What should best be considered a warning shot of future fascism was all sorted out about a decade ago. Hopefully UK society took note of the disaffection amongst the people that voted to leave the EU, looked at exactly what was bothering them, and, if they had good reason to be pissed off, addressed it!
What? They did fuck all but try and reverse the vote for years, terribly undermining the UK's negotiating position, then ignored the issues voters had thus opening the door for the reform party?
Oh right.
Downvote away but you can't downvote reality. We can still stop the fascists getting power in the UK, but not without addressing any legitimate issues reform voters have. Brexit should have been taken as a warning shot. It still isn't.
You are completely missing the point. As long as you remain unable to deal with the actual issues facing people who will vote reform (never mind demonising them) you make reform's rise inevitable.