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Experiments generate quantum entanglement over optical fibres across three real cities, marking progress towards networks that could have revolutionary applications.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

something that didn't happen though

Maybe because longing for something or someone you knew is also Saudade ofc, and is the more commonly known, like for people close to you. Otherwise " sinto falta de" ( I miss).

Afaik [ Brazil and some Portuguese fiends], you can have Saudade for something that might have happened, something you thought happened, never will happen, or even Saudade for something you don't know ever happened, or without knowing whatever it is, or knowing whatever it is or coming from; like undefined. Like a state of being.

That's also how it's said in the wiki page I linked , a quote:

The Dictionary from the Royal Galician Academy, on the other hand, defines saudade as an "intimate feeling and mood caused by the longing for something absent that is being missed. This can take different aspects, from concrete realities (a loved one, a friend, the motherland, the homeland...) to the mysterious and transcendent.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (11 children)

The best word I've heard that covers that, is the Portuguese " Saudade "; especially because it's ingrained in the culture ( e.g. Fado) .same for Brazil ofc.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 8 months ago (1 children)

It's never been about reading the post/ articles. Mmm?!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

should be a push to public transport.

Don't know where you are from, but most of Europe has had good public transport. Though it can always be better, so Europe is pushing further with for example the TEN project, and check some vids on YT.

Also, imo, there is no " one" right answer. No holy grail nor whatever. Most choices are incrementel.Usuallly It's a shift of awareness, technology ( in a form) and culture, which hopefully leads to a better tomorrow. The difference is that the majority of the problems we face have no precedent. 8 bn humans worldwide is a first since for ever.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

That doesn't seem very much at all.

This article is also 3 three years old; Germany allocated € 5 bn and UK 3 bn for EVs.

If I see this correct, it was a 44-56 % split three years ago.

I couldn't find any proper comprehensive and comparable studies for subsidies and investments in ICE and EV.

Also there is a difference between subsidies like incentives, tax cuts, and investments


The EU has announced €4bn (£3.4bn) of state aid investments in new factories producing electric batteries for cars, heat pumps and solar panels as it seeks to accelerate production and the uptake of green technologies and combat cheap Chinese imports.

The Swedish battery producer Northvolt will receive €902m in state aid to build a new factory in Heide in Germany, while a wide range of clean tech factories in France are to get a €2.5bn bump in state aid.


And here we go again, another bOING 737 Max.