Game of Thrones. I once started episode 1 but then had to interrupt and go somewhere and found it too boring to give it another try at first. Then the entire internet was full with with GoT and spoilers for it so I was too annoyed to try it again
Youtube doesnt make money with the youtuber reviewing the product.
Article 25 of the declararion of himan rights: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family
Seriously, do you think human rights are somehow just a feeling what should be? They are written down and you can look them up.
Why? Discord is still as functional as ever. Why would I move platform?
Which you can watch after 5 ads /s
Tbh I prefer "censorship" over wide spread fascism. Or I would but the fascism is still rampant on reddit
They are both tech companies.
Its crazy they could do that in america
AI at least has a good chance to become a big thing in some areas. NFTs were the bigger bubble and just a straight up scam
The US could stop buying the drugs or stop supplying the weapons. The CIA was heavily involved in the creation of the cartely so the US should stay the fuck out of it. Whenever you try to fix stuff you make it worse. Mostly because you only act like you try to fix it while at the same time looking how to profit from it.