
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 61 points 6 months ago (2 children)

In my whole life I never bought digital audio or video content on vinyl, VHS, CD, DVD, Blueray. Never ever. It sounds as weird to me like paying for air to breath.

But one day I visited a live concert of a small band which I loved as a teenager. After the show I met with their drummer, gave him €200 cash and said "You know, when I was young you were cool about kids copying your music without paying. You told us if we like you music we can enjoy it. And if we can afford it, we can pay you. Back then I couldn't. Today I can."

And so I paid them five times as much as I saved back then by copying their music.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

No, Pacificm is not always Extremist.

The Green party of Germany is Pacifist.

But they also have been the loudest about rearming the German Bundeswehr in face of Russian Aggression since 2008. I cite their defence speaker from 2010: "Peace is worth fighting for".

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Actually Mao claimed his great leap forward was "Anti-Racism" (and also Anti-Classism and whatever) because he forcefully removed all differences by murdering pretty much any one standing out. Pol Pot never claimed that but technically speaking he was doing the same: Forcefully removing everything making people different. Yes, there is "Extremist Anti-Racism".

Being different is as much a basic right as being treated equally.

An interesting excursus: The Woke movement labelled it "racist" when Non-Rasta-People wore Rasta curls. I on the other hand call it racist to deny people the right to freely chose or reject traditions based on their origin. Because one side is Extremist and the other is liberal. Now tell me where the truth lies.

There is a Bavarian Pro-Verb: Cats enjoy mice, but not me. Again, tell me where the truth lies.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago (5 children)

Ah, here is something interesting:

The liberal Reichsbanner Movement is going to celebrate 100 years of Resistance to Extremism. They do not differentiate between left and right Extremism. Never did. And their members number in the Millions. That is how you really fight Extremism.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

the left taking peoples property for no reason and fighting people for not being left

Great Purge

Cultural Revolution

Killing Fields

"Socialism does not mean the equal distribution of wealth between the wealthy and the poor, this would be too inflexible. Rather, socialism is a means of increasing productivity." - Saddam Hussein, Leader of the Arab socialist Movement: in: ath-thawra

Best Definition of "Fascism" I have ever heared. From an Extremist Socialist trying to redefine Socialism.

You may argue "how Extremist" Fa, Anti-Fa and Anti-Anti-Fa are. But you can not argue that they are all Extremists.

Now answer me with your usual emotional one-liners. Add some foot stomping. I do not expect anything more from you.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago

Learn to quote. I wrote "Extremists". You claim I wrote "Leftists". You need to learn that the Extreme Wings are much further away from the middle than the left and right middle to each other.

Also, I see you are doing the 101 of populism:

  1. make up an enemy
  2. secondly, lying pays off
  3. become more and more radical

Oh, and by the way, I am living in Germany. You fucking have you idea what you are talking about if you are talking about left and right politics, extremists and middle. Honestly, you sound like someone with an extreme case of borderline syndrome who only know "THEM" vs "US", only knows Extreme Counterpositions.

But that is not how the world works. Even our local conservative parties are much more leftist than eg the US Democrats and that is a good thing. I vote mostly Green and Social Democrats. But I HATE the Extremists, the Maoists, Stalinists, the Alternative Truthers, the national party, the skin heads (there are left and right skinheads in Germany so... pick your poison). And I see the Extremists changing without a second thought from Left Extremism to Right Extremism. Hell, I have even seen Left Extremists convert to Islam Extremism so they have Gods blessing in hating others. You can not make up how stupid Extremists are.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 7 months ago (9 children)

Feel free to quote and analyse any mistakes I made in detail.

And if you can't: Then you are lying.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago (11 children)

Whenever a Left-Extremist does something stupid his buddies just claim "Well, he wasn't Left anyway. Lets just pretend he was a Nazi instead, haha."

Brilliant. But easy to see through.

The Right-Extremist takes peoples property and life because they are the wrong race. The Left-Extremists takes peples property without reason and life because we wasn't left enough.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 7 months ago (13 children)

Stalin and Pol Pot and Saddam used mostly the same methods as Hitler and as Pinochet and just like the Taliban.

They wanted total power to reform the society to their day dreams. There is not much difference if you call your Economy Plan "Five Year Plan" or "Maximale Kriegswirtschaft". In the end everyone gets under the foot of the Big Brother, the Grosser Führer, вождь woschd (Yes, Stalin let himself call Führer as did several other Extremist leaders).

We need to learn that the Extremists are much further away from the middle than the parties of the middle to each other. But also the Extremists are much closer to themselves.

Even Trump and Putin show a lot of those methods and while Trump dreams of US Fascism and Putin dreams of Reviving Stalinism their Objectives are just the same: Total power for themselfes.

Oh, I hear you already screaming "But they weren't Socialists/Fascists" - well, they were part of the Socialist International, they called themselves Socialists and people travelled there to see Socialism. "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."

The Way less extreme people defend themselves from the more extreme people is just "But they weren't true right/left wing. They were something else!" - Boy, I am so tired of it. If 99% if your ventures into Extremism always end the same then I see a pattern that the results will ALWAYS be the same.

And seeing how easily East Germans nowadays change from Ultra-Left to Ultra-Right and visa versa I say: Proof by Observation in the Wild.

I am not even talking about the US where 90% of the people simply don't even understand what left, right, middle, liberal and Extremism means. When giving a kid free health care is socialism and people think free voting is disrespectable liberalism.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

If the Trumpist go down this road Putin might be right with his prophesy that the US will collapse within five years. But don't despair, the 13 founding states will always be welcome in the European Union. Right next to Ukraine :-)


I got a Wiki at Reddit to list my works and external links. What would be the correct way of doing that within Lemmy?

I also saw user-wikis under something like the following but I have no idea how to create these neither in Reddit or Lemmy.

The easiest way would be to just create a Lemmy Community c/crass_spektakel but that feels a bit boastful.

Is is possible to give users within a Lemmy Community a Wiki or share a Wiki between several people?



Reddit itself doesn't filter. Reddit HFY does.

It is not possible to link from Reddit HFY to Lemmy HFY directly due to shadow-filtering. The whole message with the link will be only visible for the creator. Working around with eg https://lemmy(dot)world/post/94994 though works as long as the user edits the link while copying it.

old text

Does Reddit block Links to Lemmy.World?

I just wanted to post a link in a Reddit Answer. To my utter surprise the message was not shown to other people. I as the author could see it without any hint it would be invisible.

But everyone else couldn't see it. It just wasn't there, even an direct linkt didn't help. Editing the message didn't help either. I had to delete it and rewrite it without mentioning "" in the message.

Here is a workaround where I avoid a link and it works:

Reddit Post without Link Workaround

Reddit Post with Link

Edit 1: To make myself clear again, you should see at least one message without a link and one with a link to Lemmy. But you will only see the one without a link. The trigger seems to be the exact word “”. Is that a known problem?

Edit 2: Wow, this goes deeper. A fresh Edge browser does show the link post. A old Edge browser doesn’t. All browsers with strict privacy settings don’t show the link. Firefox in Private Mode and with Adblock doesn’t show it. Edge and Chrome in private mode don’t show it either. A fresh chrome doesn’t show it. An older Installation of Chrome does. Reddit is doing something very strange.

Edit 3: https://lemmy(dot)world/post/3375662 seems to bypass the filter. So it is true: Reddit filters their biggest competitor.

Edit 4: The Shadow-Ban doesn't seem to work on r/help but definitely on r/hfy.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I don't think human psychology will allow a united approach to global warming. Too man people are too stupid, to egoistic or just in such a tight spot they can not afford being "climate-friendly".

So I wonder if there are Mega-Projects available to stop global warming?

Some coming to mind:

Reflector mirror at Lagrange1 between Sun and Earth - even a 1.000.000km² mirror from ultrathin film would weigh 1000 tonnes at most.

Giant Air Scrubers and I mean giant. They would dwarf the pyramids and remove pullutants and CO² from the athmosphere.

In addition I think a originator principle should become common: Any nation not really trying to act clean should simply be burdened with massive tariff measures. Using modern technology it shouldn't be too hard to find nations who polute the ocean unnececerrally.

Edit, it became reality:

USA CO² Scrubber german

Project Cypress english

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