a magnificent parking bay?
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
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Now I think its absurd too...
BUT this is a permanent reserved parking spot damn near in the center of London (One of the most densely populated and oldest major cities in the world which has (arguably) one of the best public transport systems in the world. Also its in the middle of the congestion charge area. So it costs 15 pounds just to leave the carpark too. This is like owning a private reserved parking space just off 5th Ave in Manhattan.
Its nuts, but this isnt what it costs for regular people to park their car in central London, most regular people dont get to live in central London, let alone own and drive a car there.
The ROI on this space vs paying for a garage is about 8 years. That's really not bad and I assume the price will go up over time, so it could even be a bit of an investment. When the spot is sold, you'll probably get at least what you paid, which means you parked there for free for years.
This is a really good deal for a high professional that works in the area and needs a daily parking spot.
No one commuting in to Central London needs a parking spot.
Not even rich people that don't like public transit? Think of the guy that can afford a Maybach or Bentley but not a driver. They need a solution too!
maybe if you drive to Theydon Bois and then get the tube or smth
Given all that, £30K seems cheap. We look at prices like this from our own perspective. From the perspective of someone worth $10 million? It's chicken change to have your own, personal spot in London.
Better be made entirely of solid gold, they gotta live up to the hype
At 30 fucking thousand pounds, it would need to be.
Jesus fucking Christ it’s 30 grand what the fuck
Might be a nice piece of property to redevelop into mixed use affordable housing
I'm a volunteer watercolor operator, my partner is a licensed glitter fighter, and our budget is $6.2 million.
Magnificent, adj. & n.
Sumptuously constructed or decorated. Also, in wider sense: imposingly beautiful, splendid.
They do this shit in Australia too. Even worse is when they mark it as a commercial property so it shows up in searches. Even worse than that is when they mark it as a residential property so it shows up in searches.
I’d be very suspicious if someone who called a parking space “magnificent” also called my dick “huge”.