
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 19 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

I was born. I am so sorry y'all.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Rich people don't pay for stupid shit like this, it's how they stay rich.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

LOL, show her 300.

"We will fight in the shade!"

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago (3 children)

I'm on lemmy. Just got back from working with firearms at my camp today.

Turns out some mags need oiled, a dead scope battery (no extras on hand!), new shotgun strikes light, need to adjust the trigger pull (again), new 10-round AR mags are a dream, not sure about the red-dot, but it puts steel on target as far as I'm able to shoot.

As always my Colt 1911 Government Model is flawless with every mag. Compact Ruger 9mm fired flawlessly, hard to aim a 2.75" barrel. About my crappiest gun, the Taurus Spectrum, actually ran perfectly. Weirder things have happened. (It always runs perfectly, just jams on the last round, every time.)

Rotated out some old ammo, had more than I thought! Guess I was being extra conservative on holding. :)

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago

Same people who, rightfully I think, oppose a gun registry, happily give their info to the NRA and similar outfits?

I ask you, would you want Trump or Musk knowing if you owned guns? Would you want them knowing you're a liberal gun owner?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

Somebody came up with the idea, implemented it, saw a jump in revenue, got a promotion or fat bonus, all to make our lives just a little crappier. Unfortunately, it's that simple.


Anyone know the details? I'll start a new one if I can.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

At first I was stunned, but then I realized I've had my dick sucked so much I don't care for it as much as actually fucking. I did not know that about myself.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

So raising your own chickens and giving them a fine life as long as they live is immoral?

People like you are why vegans are fucking hated, can't even talk compromise.

Best part is, you're too fucking stupid to see when you're acting against animal interests. How's that rhetoric working out for you? Winning hearts and minds? Or turning more and more against you?

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I'm very active outdoors and have 6 Casios, one like the model here. I'd shit kittens if one actually leaked.

They're $10-$100 on eBay. Got one for $20 that shows the moon phase and tides.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

3 days here, and yes, it took meth. Glad those days didn't last long and are decades past.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Were you not hallucinating like a madman?! I've gone into total fantasy land after 3 days. Talking to people that weren't there, my desktop wallpaper was trying to speak, all that. Nothing like LSD or shrooms.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

That's not too uncommon for me. Eat dinner at 7PM, don't eat again until noon or so the next day.


For those that missed the original post, I quit my IT career for a part-time job at Lowe's, for 1/4 the pay. Can't afford the low pay ATM, but I think my wife and I can muddle though until I go full-time, get promoted, whatever. I want to thank ALL of you who encouraged me! Cannot say how much more sane you all made me feel.

First thing our trainer did was give me a 10% discount card and program it. "Are you married?" Made another account for my wife. No lie, first thing we did.

I worked closely with HR on my last two jobs to build and improve our onboarding process. Lowe's made me feel amateur. Let's just say it was about as slick as such a complex legal and logistical process can be. (Yes, there's far more than most people see or think about.)

The person that got us going did the job I've done in my last two roles, got new people on the right foot. Yes, even working IT, I was the first person they met and got settled with. She did pretty damned well. Got stuck watching a recorded onboarding meeting, loathed the presenter. Ever known one of those women who are all smiling teeth, while frowning at the same time, and totally fake? "Oh my gosh! What GREAT input!" Fuck me. I started first and the other 3 guys finished first because they skipped some video. Cheating bastards. :)

LOL, they had the exact rig I built for one company. Some flavor of Debian, locked in kiosk mode, Firefox, on a crappy PC. Perfect for onboarding, training and as a time clock.

They seem pretty cool. The CEO was nice to listen to, seems a solid leader. Black guy, and they talked about DEI initiatives a good deal, doubt they're backing out, I'm sold. The store manager chatted with us for 30-minutes. Hell, my last CEO was an excellent leader, with half the staff, and he didn't take 30 to talk to 4 low-paid beginners.

The main thread I picked up, from my interview, to the CEO talk, to the manager, was that you can move up fast if you come in, do a good job and take care of customers. Well hell, that's what I'm best at. Everyone I've met in leadership started on the floor for shit pay, CEO as well.

Turns out my direct super is the British dude that's helped me before, love that guy! Be sweating my ass off in the outdoor area soon enough, the position I asked for, but I think having that man on my side will get me through.

So, be honest, am I fooling myself here? This ain't my first rodeo and I got very positive vibes, but it's a monster retailer so there's that.

EDIT: Forgot some of the meat of the story. Time and attendance policy seems lenient enough, though I'm not used to even thinking about it. PTO is crap compared to what I'm used to, which taking about every Friday off. Can't say about health, 401K, all that, but they offer it to part timers. Not great, more than I expected, who knows. All in all, no threatening crap like I expected for $15/hr. "You toe the line or you're fired!", kinda bullshit. Turnover is a metric they take seriously, and call out management on it. I'll drill into it more tomorrow when training is more 1-on-1.


Found in NW Florida not far from known iron deposits. Yeah, rocks are rare as hell here, but there's an historic site a couple of miles away where they found ore and forged tools for a water mill.


Picked up a dozen hiking the railroad tracks yesterday. Seems I ought to be able to do something creative with them. I usually don't create purely for art's sake, I want it to be practical.

I can wire wheel the rust off but can't heat it enough to work that way.


Last job killed my love of IT, management beat it out of me. Wonderful company, demotivated by my manager from the first week. Couldn't be a nicer guy, smartest tech I've ever met, Peter Principled his was into management.

Never been paid that much, took about every Friday off on PTO, total WFH, can't say what my benefits cost but it wasn't $100/mo. in total. My last job was half the pay and benefits, was so much happier. I think of that every time I read a comment about why companies need to pay more to satisfy us. Everyone should have a look at this. Had ALL that at my penultimate job, NONE at the most recent.

I feel so weird, especially at this time of life with a solid resume, interviewing for PT work at Lowe's. Thinking I'll be happier than a pig in shit spending 4 hours a day, just walking around helping people, doing what ever bullshit I'm asked to do. Looking to see how it goes, see if there are ways to work myself up to FT, better schedule, supervisor, whatever.

Thought about "retiring" to work in a hardware store to keep busy and fit, but not for a decade+. Excepting my credit card bills, and what my wife sends home to the Philippines, she makes enough to cover everything. Won't take much to take the edge off.

I love hardware and tools and plants, about everything they sell. Hoping to learn a lot as well. Helping people is really satisfying to me, and I'm excellent at handling customers. LOL, I'm best with the angry ones, sometimes get them apologizing. :)

Need a sanity check, am I losing it!? Been through the worst depression of my life the past few years, hoping this will break me back into a normal state of mind.

EDIT: Got the job! Holy shit, the assistant manager is just like me! Dropped out of tech to take a minimum wage job at Lowe's 8 years ago, now he's at $90K. We've even done much of the same work in the IT space. "I did DSL for Bellsouth when it was new!" "Yep, did my time as a cable internet guy."

Seems to be a lot of space and opportunity to move up. I'm going to knock this out the fucking park!

BONUS: Clerk at the shady gas station overhead me telling my neighbor about quitting IT and getting hired today. Guy ask me what I did in IT, gave him a run down. "Yeah. I was a web dev for 20-years, couldn't take staring at a screen any more."

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The answer seems obvious, of course, and I've been in IT for 20+ years so I'm not clueless. OTOH, don't know much about phone tech anymore.

I almost never use the phone for browsing or email, mainly texting, calling, pictures and navigation. So what are my threat vectors? If I'm not on the web or downloading sketchy apps, what risks am I looking at?

I ask because I just got an old Pixel 4a and was wondering how long I'll get updates.

EDIT: I should add that I don't connect to any wireless but my own.


Looking for outdoor navigation. Google Maps is plenty fine for streets, but it's too limited and business focused.

Need something simple that:

  • Makes it stupid easy to mark and label a spot. Really easy.
  • Makes it simple to see, or at least guestimate, distances.
  • Has Satellite/terrain coverage like Google Maps.
  • Hopefully has accurate geographical features like creeks and ponds.
  • A compass overlay would be the bomb.

What's good?


I can't think of a reason for the extra hassle and expense.


Finished a short horror tale yesterday. Is there a spot on lemmy that would get it read and criticized?


It stands to reason he must have been doing something right to have stayed so close to the halls of power.

I was a toddler when he was carpet bombing Cambodia, never knew him as anything but "an important person" that was sometimes on the TV. Only learned of his crimes in the past decade.

How did an in-your-face war criminal retain such influence for so long?

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