I know there's Pegascape but 1.- it requires a stock V1 Switch, of which there's extra-limited supply and lower TTL 2.- stuck in low firmware and 3.- it's a volatile entrypoint anyway. So I never count it.
It’s 100% possible to put pirated games on the Switch - in fact, it’s as easy as it could reasonably be.
I wish it was that easy! So far, the only way I know of is a hardmod, which already DQs for any remotely sensible form of DIY, and means a very real possibility of turning the Switch into a fancy paperweight.
As if you were speaking for me.
The easy solutiont o that is getting rid of the oligarchs then.
Okay, monday morning. So, where is it?
implying I'm from the US
good try, asshat.
It's called not paying taxes.
Don't the US have a strong "sovereign self-made man" movement that unacknowledges taxes and federal law enforcement among other things?
Cats are cheaper.
What exactly do you expect them to do other than disavow their past transgressions?
Compensations and restorations would be a minimally decent start.
The key here is that it taints you, not the thing. Just because the source code of eg.: Acrobat is known because the source is leaked, that does not make the source code of an alternative instantly illegal.
You cannot violate copyright by seeing, reading, hearing, or feeling a work. Even if you are knowingly observing an infringing copy, your consumption of that work is not an infringement.
Disney: "Them's quitter words!"
And this is why I never pay for apps. You never know what changes (external or internal) are going to enshittify it next.