So say we all!
I'm basing my comment on my life experience of growing up in the 80s and 90s. Most people in the time period did not use computers. A lot of people thought they were nerdy. So someone like Joe Biden who is a "cool guy" politician almost certainly never touched one until he needed one for work. Total supposition on my part but I would put money on it.
Don’t even have to go that far back. Look at Netflix removing the DnD Community episode because Chang dresses as a drow elf (black skin, white hair). He even says he’s a drow in the episode yet Netflix removed it from the series since it was “racist”. Without pirates that episode would quickly be forgotten.
Grew up without one? He’s 80. He probably didn’t even use a computer before he was 50.
Is reader mode not enough? It’s the same damn thing and not put through some sketchy free service that is obviously mining your data.
Like looking into a mirror.
Ensigns. Ensign Mariner cleans out the holodeck &$%# filters in Lower Decks.
The second division of the hour.
Time to invest in silver paint.
They wouldn’t call them Great Old Ones if they were bad for you. /taps head
Point Nemo. It’s the farthest point from land in the world.