The idea worked out pretty well in "To every you I've loved before" and "To me, the one who loved you".
I somehow doubt Hallmark did quite as good a job of it.
The idea worked out pretty well in "To every you I've loved before" and "To me, the one who loved you".
I somehow doubt Hallmark did quite as good a job of it.
Hashtag the only winning move is not to play
Do it with the piercing OUT OF YOUR BODY. You don't want a hot piece of metal that you can't get off of yourself fast enough.
Dry skin is hundreds of thousands of ohms. Even wet skin has pretty good resistance. When you touch a 9v to your tongue, you're starting to mess around with lower resistance flesh, it is definitely not a comfortable thing to do.
The metal ring doesn't do anything to move more electricity into your body, but it soaks every electron the battery can push and turns it into heat. Best I can figure it would amount to a few watts, which would be toasty if you were holding it between your fingers. The septum is a thin piece of flesh, I think it would sauté pretty quickly.
An AAAA cell has 200-350 mohms internal resistance. A 9v battery has 6 of them in series (many of them are literally that, others have their cells as a stack of plastic buckets). The nose ring is a short run of wire, it's idunno a 0.2 ohm heater?
I think the septum is going to get pretty toasty.
The main difference is that this one has the money to do a much bigger Columbine.
I hate people that edit stuff
And sandals.
Lol, if only I looked that good
I like the halloween version that ends in door hand hook car door