
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Interesting. Is this happening in the u.s? If not there might be a law for those countries making them hide it there. If you can, try searching for sepia search, its a sesrch engine for almost all peertube intances basically its as if peertube was youtube, do those countries show that?


If over the air broadcast tv couldn't get any more free then this.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I actually didn't know that much about the term. I am a dem-sexual and support LGBTQ and I wouldn't want to be associated with people avocating against LGBTQ people or any marginalized people.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (4 children)

I agree, what are some of them that are known by users of Lemmy? In particular when you compare larger search engines to each other.


So after the Google anti trust situation that has occurred recently it got me wondering..

Do all major search engines censor resualts from independent sites? Let me define what I mean by censorship, if you were to search for some kind of content or news and Google never ever shows a site in the news results there is a chance of shadow banning. There also a chance that Google just doesn't know the site exists. but this isn't always the case.

the main question for this post however is this, how do specific search engines handle resualts? it's no secret Google is known for not doing search resualts on YouTube or Google too well for the user experience.

How do search engines like Bing, Yahoo, Google, Duckduckgo, metager, and others differenciate in their search rankings. Surely they aren't all moderating the exact same as Google, right? right..?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Ever heard of the game i spy? and with that they are advertising gaming for a Chromebook. This may all just be a coincidence.

While these tech comapnies have people look at the how users might see phrases like "hey guys." Not sure how Google thought people wouldn't do the same to them with this. Chromebook's don't sell as well so this is the worst product to do the worst with for marketing, but at the same time maybe they really do think this and think they can get away with this meme because no one is really buying a Chromebook unless it's like for school work. (although I actually do use my personal Chromebook on the daily i'm in that small minority.)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

as you say this big companies in recent times have been working on making the web less wide, and less accessible mostly for independent sites. search engines hide sites, sometimes Playstore will take down apps. I think this is a small issue slowly turning into a big issue. and a small handful that own a bunch of the sites you commonly see will take advantage of the changing landscape.

[–] [email protected] 40 points 10 months ago

In other words, these older extentions work just fine, no one wants the new limited features, and google is force disabling older extentions despite any outcries from its users because it can.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

seems interesting, a news source from Germany. I'l bookmark it and check it out.


also feel free to comment your own suggestions for news sites for tech updates that don't pay wall on the web page.

New York times - abc -

the hill - BBC news -

while nonprofit Npr doesn't pay wall, they have a new pop up that says something along the likes of "expected a paywall not our style please donate" that the user can dismiss and continue browsing the site.

Reuters use to be a good source for me untill they started pay walling after a small amount of news article reads.


No idea.


Meta says blame should fall on appstores. What willl be next, web browsers? or search engines ??

will search engines have to vett people age to use Facebook too?

edit: i'm changing the news article to one with no pay wall. went from Washingtonpost to the hill

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

I'm glad you actually said that scrolling down the comment I was like, wait people are ok with this? and they don't see that it's a trap?

[–] [email protected] -1 points 10 months ago

It's a trap, this is all bad. standerlise the internet, and then they'l be able to charge you for Xbox live ons team and more

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Why I think video gaming slowly became the most addictive entertainment media with no signs of stopping. What do lemmy users think of the subject?

Video games can be addictive time wasters, sure you can say that a gamer should just manage their time better. As someone who's played some games from the last few years on various consoles, I can say some types of games are played more then others. so..

Why are games addictive? lets first start by looking at a game pong on the the Attari. A game with just paddles disguised as lines and dots bouncing back and forth. If a person is just playing the game alone against the cpu they'l more likely get bored playing quickly. While if they play with a friend it's a more fulfilling experience and they might play it for hours. However, at some point they would move on from it but they wouldn't have to they could keep playing their pong game as newer console would release, but as the game was just lines and dots, without their friends this game we then become played less as more and more people passed it by.

How do games create a single player experience to keep people playing without their friends? Lets look at pacman, if you have a game that recreates the experience of being somewhere, where you can move an onscreen character and interact in certian situations with said characters you would then potentially have one person hooked to your game playing solo.

This would work for awhile from the nes, to the snes to the n64 generations for gaming in regards to sells. Then the next step to hook players would be to mix single player with multiplayer, if the players 'friends' are playing it then they better be playing it too. The idea was that both players would had bought the game and practiced at their own houses solo. Think games like Super Smash Bros 64, Mortal Kombat, Mario Kart 64.

The next and second to last step to addict players is with online gaming. Bonus points if a game is online but has no split screen local multiplayer. Because if your friend gets the new game then you better get it too or feel left behind. Other thing about online gaming is it can addict solo players the worst. Typically these games will have you feeling good collecting exp points and the games currency winning each match. Making you keep wanting to play it day after day back to back at its worst.

last and final step to gaming addiction is vr, or virtual reality. While its still too early to say much about vr gaming, it brings a fake reality to the game universes, that players can enteract in with their physical hands. And they can physically turn around and look around envirorments. Gaming just keeps getting more addictive in nature.


Sounds like ones demands have changed, or atleast they got a hold of themselves. whatever lead to them walking back on this, it's the end of another battle for internet privacy, but not the end of the war. As apps continue to track you in new mysterious ways behind their closed sourced software, and the governments continue to crack down on encryption. Anonymous names are important for privacy too.


While I heard about this coming to a vote a few days ago, the FCC has voted in favor for the rules today.


most people hate ai, but the bots on lemmy are an acception since they bring life to the communities when activities dries up. I mean- am I wrong here?thoughts? opinions?


Personally when i'm looking for a community I sort it by top month instead of new because since i'm looking for an active community, it'l sort based on rankings of the posts in the community. (I assume based on the guide)

By sorting by month I feel it's a good balence of good activity in a community vs ensuring that if tides change then fairly over time I can switch to another community based on rankings for the next month or the next and etc.

What do you all do?


On average if I make a post on Mastodon whether I get a comment, and a continued conversation is either hit or miss.

On Lemy if I make a post it's almost insane the probalility of actual comments, conversation and discusion with many users that can occur in a single post compared to Mastodon.

Is this because of the communities on Lemy making things more seamless and simple to find content I might want to consume and discuss as a user? Because say I join a Mastodon server, nothings really organized by topics or anything. Sure there are hashtags but, the user would have to know to search a specific hashtag and there's the chance of even missing somes post that may be related even if the topic is similar to a hashtag searched for.

Who knows, what are Lemy users thoughts on this?

I know one thing, if you can make a good platform, then you can get great conversations in anything that people are interested in. It seems to me Lemy is the best at this for most users. While on Mastodon, while i'm not saying I hadn't had people comment on my posts, it seems less likely then Lemmy. I don't think I made a single post where no one has commented atleast something on Lemy.


It needs to be said, but I want to know how some of you view Mario games and where they started and ended at.

My take- I feel that Nintendo hasn't made a good Mario game since.. 3D world on the 3DS/wiiU and before that.. Mario Galexy and then.. since Paper Mario on the original Wii. those games were in my opinion the best of what Mario has to offer as it was originally intended. Fun, colorful cartoony, and exciteing.

If I had to tell you to play between Paper Mario Wii edition (not Wii U) or New Super Mario Bros Wii. I would suggest Paper Mario for the over all better experience for a Mario game. Granted it's considered a spinoff, it's more colorful and you could tell the devs actually cared about making a good game there.

Super Mario Galaxy and Mario Sunshine are games that make me wonder the following. They chose the water flood gimmick over a real sequal to Super Mario 64 with fixed physics camera, and everything. Then on the Wii, they chose to not make a good Mario 64 sequal there they kept everything small and simplified, and focused on the gimick of the console. Think of how we went from Super Mario bros 1 to 3, and from 3 to world. But that never happened going from the N64 to the Gamecube.

For the longest to time, it's been the spinoffs keeping Mario alive, super smash bros,, Mario Kart.. paper Mario if not for those all we would have right now would be dumped down Mario games like new super Mario bros u or the Mario 3d world (even tho its one of the best, it's not as good as it should be) with no real innovation for Mario or excitment.

If they don't make a real Mario game for next gen, as they did during the N64 erra, Mario will never be good again. Mario Wonder is not a next gen game, they held back all their best, and finally now they make a good looking 2d game. This is what we should had gotten on the Wii U launch.

Edit: the idea of a perfect next gen Mario game would be something that plays like like Super Mario 64 , but then the moving/running and jumping physics of what you get in the new super Mario bros including the wall jumping, and with character models looking more like something you'd see in Super Smash Bros Brawl for the best modern approach for what Mario is suppose to look like graphically. Odyessee, while the graphics are good, i'm not saying they are bad. For a Mario game they are out of place. Lastly as for the camera, the camea should control more freely with the right stick, kinda like how the camera in Rayman 3 would control as a comparison for 3d platformers. Of course my opinion isn't the absolute solution.

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