He was openly spreading propaganda against the lawful government too!
Really good book.
I can paint as many nude images of Rihanna as I want.
Yes I'm aware we have had some amendments. Ending slavery. Allowing women to vote. Direct election of Senators.
What about gerrymandering? Cap in the house leading to bad representation? The senate? I mean the senate still exists. States aren't people like people pretended they were. So much has not changed.
Even Jefferson surmised it should be radically updated every few decades. I think he'd and many others would be pissed to realized we're all held hostage by compromises that barely made sense at the time.
Man. Woman. TV. Camera.
Blue Curaçao and sprite
Definitely to be on the next iteration of this meme.
I welcome our new alien butt lords
Sure. By even the density/mechanical properites of armor will affect its usefulness. Beyond simple thickness.
Everytime I see these dumb wojacks I definitely think the meme creator is 12 and have to back away from completely pre judging the whole meme. Thank you for this.