the only thing Linux can't play is drm'd shit, and rootkit anti cheats. find a pirated version; bet it'll run.
joined 7 months ago
then you know destroying these fucking things is self defense.
if its only a dick joke in German, they come off as way more competent in English.
also, Linux is better at that kind of utility task.
well aero was pretty, and the age of empires games were fun.
been hit before, not buying it. gonna be proactive about self defense.
not necessarily a dick joke in English; sounds like they could handle whatever youve got and whatever you want accomplished with it.
more likely glass first, if I try. not in a pedestrian friendly area.
you? never. sky will be orange though.
fuck it, even add in real ride shares, where you say 'I'm going to x place, I'm willing to go y amount out of my way and pick up z passengers'
set them up with something disposable (or at lewst that you can reinstall the OS on every couple weeks) that runs on an architecture other than x86 to avoid viruses; pi is perfect for this.