
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

I think this comment wasn't supposed to be an argument for the existence of Israel, but rather directed at the initial premise. They are challenging the assumption that support for the Israeli state and support for the conflict in Gaza are one in the same.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 3 weeks ago

That was very Mr. Rodgers of you.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

RIP my bank account

[–] [email protected] 17 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Musicians curse.

I'm a multi-instrumentalist and I now have 3 guitars, a bass, a banjo, two ukuleles, a sousaphone, trombone, trumpet, soprano trombone, bugle, clarinet, tenor sax, Roland keyboard, melodica, cajone, stylophone, otamatone, ocarina, concertina, and a recorder. My goal is 50 instruments by the time I'm 50.

I have a problem.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

I worked at a preppy catholic school in Chicago. Every year they had a Gala with an auction where people would throw around $60k like it was nothing. Afterwards all the parents of students I taught were plastered and grinding on each other on the dancefloor, and then I was invited to a sex party in the hotel they stayed at. Being 20 years younger than these folks, I was really weirded out.

Catholics go hard.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

I've had good and bad interactions with them, so I just think "hey they are flawed (hopefully) human beings that have good days and bad days". Chances are if I treat them (or anyone) kindly, the interaction will be positive.

My goal online is to try and be a wholesome user, although that doesn't always happen. I usually delete my comments when I don't like how I acted with someone else as I want to remind myself to take a kinder approach to Lemmy. There's enough toxicity online.

I think "would Mr. Rodgers approve?"

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Actually the little button sends an SOS to local authorities, so chances are the little button works fine and you have an incoming SWAT raid with paramedics and police surrounding the building.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago


Who the hell does that?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Awwww beans, thanks for your flexibility!

From a mod of one community to another- game recognizes game 🏆 thank you for what you do.


How many of you consider texting an ex that was an amicable breakup to see if they'd be up for a hookup.

Update : I created a group text with all of them and now we are planning a 30 person Orgy at the Marriott in San Francisco.

Lol jk I just woke up and made eggs.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Honestly, the wildest one was a guy who said "I grew up anti-racist, so I know I'm not racist" and literally dropped an N bomb and then said some stupid race jokes. Dude was white and kept saying he was invited to the cookouts.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Oh don't worry they'll let you know they aren't racist. In fact they will be so helpful in telling you that you are the real racist for calling them racist./s


I'm feeling so uneasy with everything I've been seeing. I keep thinking about what we will be this time next year, and if shit hits the fan, what is your plan? I'm queer and was politically active in 2020, so I would potentially be considered a political enemy.

The only blueprint I can think of is what you do in an active shooter situation; Flee, Hide, Fight.

I know there's that romantic notion of "don't be a coward, get out and protest", but I remember the brutality of the 2020 protests firsthand, and even then I thought "thank god I'm going toe to toe with the CPD and not the CCP". Next time is going to be different. The president now has authority to send drone strikes. Protests and riots don't stand a chance agains missiles and live rounds.

Flee- I have an Uncle in Montreal who my family could potentially use as a way to at least temporarily escape the chaos. The hope I'd have is that Canada and other countries would accept American refugees, however that's not a guarantee.

Hide- If borders are closed, lay low and move away from major cities if possible. If civil war breaks out, try to get away from the violence even if you think your side will win. Todays losers may be tomorrows victors.

Fight- If cellular data/ social media algorithms can keep track of you, and surveillance can make sure there's no movement, this would be the last resort of desperation. I guess if possible try to either find a group for safety in numbers, or conversely go guerrilla as groups of resistance would make easy targets.

Sorry my mind is running and I'm getting scared.

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