There should still be the rather tame World Digital Brasil… but their Tinfoil server is down at the moment, it seems.
GitHub supports Jekyll page generation. Or at least did this a few years ago.
And please make sure to also generate an RSS feed for us feed reader users. ;)
You might want to look at Terramaster NASes. E.g. their F4-423 is basically an Intel NUC married to a SATA controller. They have an internal USB port where you can pull the OEM flash drive and insert your own, then install e.g. UnRAID or OpenMediaVault on it.
That will be my next device if my Synology DS415+ finally dies.
“I have no idea who locked it in 2015,” she said. At that time, the iPhone displayed a message saying it would unlock in 80,000 hours.
This usually happens when you hand your phone to your toddler.
I'm using OwnTracks in HTTP mode as I couldn't be bothered with MQTT. For that, you only need the HTTP(S) endpoint/URL to log to, optionally user credentials and then it's a "TrackerID", "UserID" and "DeviceID" so the receiving server knows who's talking.
Side note: Traccar uses different ports to receive different protocols. For OwnTracks protocol, the correct port is 5144.
My OwnTracks configuration is basically like this:
- TrackerID: 1
- DeviceID: Phone
- UserID: mb
- URL: (the port itself is HTTP-only IIRC, but I've mapped Traefik Proxy in front of it which handles HTTPS)
After Google Latitude shut down, I went with OwnTracks logging into the light-weight php-owntracks-recorder.
I’ve since migrated that to Traccar (normally used for car fleet management) on server-side and am still using OwnTracks to push the location updates from my iPhone.
See, in Germany you can buy your own cable modem or fibre endpoint and connect that to the copper wire/fibre line.
Not illegal, but the ISPs are seemingly under no obligation to give you those details. In Germany, there’s the “freedom of routers” embedded in the telco law. So they HAVE to give you everything you need to get your custom router online via their wire/fibre.
Bridge mode is just using the ISPs router and bridge that into your router. It’s not the same - you still need the ISP’s access device instead of just yours.
Yep, after moving from Germany to the UK I was pretty surprised that in the UK you’re not supposed to get this kind of information from your ISP.
In Germany you can get your own DSL/cable/fibre modem and your ISP has to give you the necessary information to get these devices into their network.
Since the Pinecil is running IronOS, it’s just a matter of time for it to also get the fall detection. And apart from the LED ring gimmick, I don’t see any huge advantages over IronOS.
That’s what happens if you rely on 3rd party services that are very eager to please anyone that spells out DMC without even waiting for the A.