
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago

I have seen three rather obvious spam bots so far, all of which were almost instantly downvoted into oblivion and soon thereafter removed from the site. Granted, I mainly frequent niche videogame communities so I can't say anything about the spam/bot situation in bigger communities (like politcal stuff etc.) but for the part of the Fediverse I personally use, it is definitely an upgrade compared to the current situation of reddit.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 8 months ago

If we mock one group and get banned and other mock another group and don’t, isn’t that being hypocritical?

The cancer patient didn't chose to have cancer, and doesn't deliberately make the lives of other people worse. The supremacist chose to BE cancer on society, actively and deliberately making the lives of a lot of people worse, and feeling entitled to do so.

If someone acts like an asshole, they shouldn't be surprised about being treated like an asshole.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 8 months ago

The API changes woulnd't even have affected me directly - I don't use any apps, never used bots, and was part of a sub that was noticable more friendly and clean than a whole lot of similar subs, no toxicity but interesting content and very active mods.

But it didn't sit right with me how nonchalantly u/spez disregarded any and all complaints, didn't give a shit about people who would be literally unable to use his site with the changes he wanted to implement (the majority of people in r/blind for example), openly mocked everyone that wasn't a bootlicker and still to this day thinks that he did everything right and "crushed the protests" and all that jazz. This guy lives in his own little bubble in which he is convinced the dumpster fire he calls reddit is the best thing since sliced bread and he's a genius without fault.

Fuck u/spez.

I deleted everything I had contributed to that site over the course of 9+ years, nuked my account and moved to LW instead. I'm still in the process of reformatting and reuploading everyting I had removed from the former site, but I feel a lot more at ease having my guides, art etc. hosted on a site that isn't a corporate shitfest run by a delusional egomaniac with an army of astroturfing bots.

...and in retrospect, it was about high time I jumped ship, as my former main sub has gone down the drain big time since that debacle. The original creator hasn't done anything in months, the formerly active mods obviously don't give a shit about scammers, repost bots and trolls anymore (or they, too, have simply left) and the most upvoted posts and comments are always some cringey regurgitated meme spam and low-effort shitposts. I'm glad I am no longer part of that, albeit in a bittersweet way. It feels like seeing an Ex that you formerly adored turn a crackhead hobo after you broke up.

[–] [email protected] 51 points 8 months ago (1 children)

When I had to move out (long, unpleasant story) I had the opportunity to get a nice, cozy appartement with low rent almost immediatly, but during the interview it turned out that they didn't allow pets and wouldn't budge, so it wasn't an option for me and I politely declined.

They still tried to pressure me into signing the rental contract - calling me multiple times a day to ask whether I wanted to rethink my former decision again, eventually giving me a 24 hour deadline and demanding that I sign ASAP or they would pick someone else. That was the point I told them to go F- themselves as I was NOT going to leave my 13 year old tomcat behind or surrender him to a shelter. They didn't take it well. (...and suddenly they claimed that noone else wanted the appartement and that they desperately needed someone to move in very soon yadda yadda ... so much for "we're going to pick someone else if you don't sign today".)

Best decision I've made that year. The landlord I have now is a super chill dude and I still have my spoiled furry little bastard with me. I'd rather have lived on the street than leaving a four-legged family member behind.

No idea what became of the other appartement but I pity the people who will have to put up with that passive-aggressive nonsense for lack of alternatives.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

Similar thing with "Easter", which comes from the name of Ēostre, the Germanic goddess of Spring. The origins of that holiday have nothing to do with Christianity, but the day and name were hijacked by Christians sometime in the mid-2nd century.

[–] [email protected] 68 points 8 months ago (8 children)

"Goodbye" exists because of 15th century chatspeak. It's a highly abbreviated version of "God be with ye"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

NPC talking sound the murmuring gets really old fast.

You can turn that off in the settings, at least in the Switch version. First thing I always do when starting a new run ;)

[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 months ago

Pick a nice family to live with, march into their house and have a happy life for the rest of my days as a spoiled pet.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Maybe it's a regional thing then...? I'm in Germany and noone I know of has heard about either one. I wouldn't be surprised tho if those two got the attention they deserve in other parts of the world.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 9 months ago (14 children)


  • Kubo and the Two Strings. Some of the story elements are a bit too obvious, but the overall story is charming and the art style (stop motion with puppet-like characters) is just plain cool.

  • Kirikou and the Sorceress. Wonderfully weird with an interesting story

  • Triplets of Belleville. The entire movie is "told" without words, except for a single sentence right at the start and one right at the end.


  • Terranigma (SNES). Main characters revives / creates an entire world that was doomed ages ago. It's kind of bittersweet when you're done reviving the continents, plants and animals and then the humans start f*cking stuff up. Great music and visuals too, despite being 16-Bit style

  • Ōkami. One of my all-time favorites but due to minimal marketing, not many people are aware that this game even exists. Charming art style and interesting gameplay concept.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

The Wilhelm Scream.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

after clicking on the dark square that is displayed instead of the preview, you are prompted to open the video in a new tab as if you were opening another site.

Defo different for me. When I click it, no matter whether viewed in the post or from the community, it just opens the video like in the screenshot. It only opens in a new tab when I click on the tiny "v.redd.it" under the title, but I guess that's meant to happen (?)

The question is, why it works that way for me but not on your end. It might be because we're on different instances (I'm on lemmy.world) and there are sometimes differences between the various UI's, including functionality. It might be a browser/desktop/mobile issue. It could even be an anti-ad program on your device blocking the preview because it seems like a pop-up, or something in the settings that isn't quite right, or a programming mistake that prevents the video preview from showing up in certain apps. Hard to say without looking at the code =/

It might be a good idea to file a bug report and/or request the "missing" feature so a supporter can take a look at the issue. Provided it isn't on their to-do-list already, of course.

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