
joined 1 year ago
Tethered Bottle Caps (www.neue-verpackung.de)

Yes I am aware that they're somehow supposed to reduce plastic waste because the cap can't get lost ... unless you cut it off, of course.

Yes I am also aware that there are people with disabilities (shaky hands, weak grip, etc.) who are thankful for these and actually like the design. Good for them, and I mean that in a non-sarcastic way.

But personally, I hate these things with all the "first world problems" rage I can muster and go out of my way to rip / cut / twist them off on every single bottle I buy. I don't like having the bottle cap directly in my face while drinking, or slipping in the way of the flow whenever I just want to pour milk, and on more than one occasion, I've actually cut my finger OR lip on these little sh*ts (not the same type as in the picture, but baldy-made longer "bands" that leave little plastic spikes on the cap and/or band).

No idea whether I should post this in the "unpopular opinion" section instead or if other people think the same, but to me, "mildly infuriating" describes them perfectly.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Hyrule, preferably the version from Breath of the Wild. I mean, yes there is the whole Ganon thing and one shouldn't go too close to the castle, but the rest of the kingdom is pretty chill, and apparently you can make an easy living by just lazy foraging in the countryside, or by selling a handful of acorns and bugs at random stables, or by growing a grand total of eight pumpkins.

I'll take a life as a homeless but well-fed drifter on horseback anytime over ... this. gestures vaguely at the current state of the world

[–] [email protected] 25 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

I just absolutely hate being a man in a “what role men have in society”-way.

I know exactly what you mean. A lot of random nonsense is seen as "unmanly" for no particular reason. I've seen grown ass men throw temper tantrums about doughnuts with pink glaze, because it is apparently uNmAnLy to even touch one, as if you would get a visit from the man police and they revoke your man card for even contemplating touching something in a "girly" color. It's just complete and utter nonsense.

It is a lot healthier to not give a flying fuck about gender roles - but also harder, depending on the society you live in. I have the luxury of being a big, bearded dude so not many people dare to openly mock me when I do "unmanly" stuff - I let my niece paint my nails whenever she wants. I cry when movies get emotional. The last dog I owned was a mini pinscher, and I still miss her. I don't like beer, cars, football/soccer/whatever. I bake and cook and I can get real passionate about it. I still own my first ever plushie.

...but I also have a bunch of friends who have been relentlessly bullied for similar stuff, gaslighted into believing that they deserved it for not being manly enough. And it breaks my heart every time I hear yet another story of someone killing their own passion, numbing themselves down to the point that they become unable to enjoy what they formerly loved, just to "fit in" a society that doesn't accept deviation from the perceived norm.

Fuck gender roles in general. All they do is make people miserable for not fitting in.

EDIT: The above statement is not meant to bash trans folk by the way. What I dislike are the expectations tied to certain societal "roles" and the almost automatic ostracisation by "the society" if someone isn't fulfilling enough of those expectations. Let people be who they want to be.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

big pair of chopsticks to flip deep-frying stuff,

100% this. I have a pair of metal chopsticks that I use exclusively for frying food, especially small, super sticky stuff like nan gua bing. Most wooden ones here (Germany) have some sort of artificial coating and I'm a bit worried about it melting or releasing chemicals when it gets too hot, so I don't want to dunk these into hot oil.


Direct Links:

I was taught the "Weak Standard Grip" ...thanks, I guess? XD

How are y'all holding them?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Easy solution: don't own any pots =P

Or raise some chickens. No green-clothed, sword-swinging little weirdo would dare mess with chickens. (at least not more than once)

[–] [email protected] 10 points 8 months ago


That would be "Scherzereibewerbungsformular" nowadays. The old Bewerbungsformularfürakzeptablenhumor was abolished in August 2020, along with the Clownpolizei.

If a Sherzereibewerbungsformular is approved, you get a Scherzereigenehmigung for the next 30 days, starting at the next non-holiday calendar day, good for 1x (one) Scherz per day. If you exceed that quota, you have to pay a fine to the Humorüberwachungsamt (HUA) or face jail time. Professional Scherzemacher and Sprücheklopfer are exempt from this and may get a Witzelei-Lizenz for up to one year at a time, but you need an official Dummfugdiplom for that.

German humor is no laughing matter.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Do videogames count as well? If so, then Hyrule - specifically the one from Breath of the Wild. There is something incredibly tranquil and peaceful about that world ... I could get lost in there for days.

Otherwise, I am Team Discworld. GNU Terry Pratchett.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 8 months ago

You know a dad joke is a good dad joke when you angrily groan while being compelled to still upvote it.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

It's a double-edged sword IMHO. On one hand, it means that people on Lemmy don't need to give reddit any clicks / traffic in order to read the same stuff, but on the other hand, the sheer amount of reddit reposted content can easy drown out actually original content on Lemmy that might have been equally or more interesting. And if it looks like Lemmy content is 99% cloned stuff from reddit anyway, there's no real incentive to prefer Lemmy content over reddit. Not many people actually take the time and dig deep for OC inbetween reposts.

What the Fediverse needs, is lots of original content not found anywhere else, but as long as the total userbase isn't big enough to offer that on a consistent schedule, then copypasted content is still better than NO content at all ...

Personally I dislike bots tho. If an actual human decides to repost interesting things from reddit and actively participates in discussions, that's something I can get behind. A soulless bot just copypasting random stuff.... no thanks.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

My personal pet peeve is pre-installed, un-removable software and apps. My current mobile phone for example has apps that link to twitter, facebook, amazon etc. none of which I will ever use, but you can somehow not delete them. Why do I need to have that virtual junk in my phone?


It looks like a cheap, fuzzy Halloween decoration in the most cheesy way possible, as if someone took the model of a regular boring black bat and recolored it in the "classic" Halloween color scheme to make it look "spooky". If I'd encounter such a creature in a videogame or movie, I'd laugh at the absurdity. It looks so fake.

Nope. They're real.

Instead of big swarms, they usually live alone or in family units of three during part of the year—an adult male and a female and their one offspring. The bright and broken coloration of these bats may be a form of camouflage to protect them, as they have been reported to blend in with dried leaves and flowers when they roost. They're insectivores who hunt at night.

Nature, you're weird sometimes.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

I just think that Lemmy can’t survive if there is no way to make people aware that a particular post is OC to a fediverse-Plattform.

I have seriously no idea what you even mean by that. Care to elaborate why a site that managed to exist without an OC tag for nearly half a decade is suddenly doomed if there's no extra OC tag now? Or why good content can not be appreciated if it doesn't have the right tags?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Minor addition: Slapping an [OC] into the title can also come across as pretentious so some people don't want to use that "tag", especially if it were something super extra special like a badge. For everyone else, just putting those two letters into the title shouldn't be hard.



Those canines are "primarily used to chew up wood and other tough foods" as per one of the articles, but male adult camels may also use those to bite opponents when fighting with each other for territory / mates.

"Someone once described them as a Sarlacc pit from Star Wars" ... definitely a fitting description.

Here is a video of an angry camels open mounth and unclipped teeth; https://www.youtube.com/shorts/whsdxuAy37Y ... it is VERY ugly tho, view at your own discretion.


This bullsh*t right here is getting out of hand in the Nintendo eShop. I can understand the existence of things like an "ultimate" edition if an older game got lots of extra content later and the devs decided to sell the base game and DLC as a bundle. Or a "complete" edition if multiple games of the same franchise are sold as a bundle.

But FFS if your singleplayer offline game isn't even released yet, there is absolutely no need to deliberately rip content from the base game just to sell it as a "bonus" or split the content across different editions so people would have to pay extra for stuff that's not in the "base game" - that's just corporate greed, nothing else.

Oh and the "ultimate edition" costs 109,99 by the way, with ca 70,00 worth of cosmetical extras. Not more content, more quests or more story; just swim suits and sunglasses for the characters. WTH.

If it was just this one game, I would laugh at their idiocy and just move on, but those "editions" seem to slowly turn into the standard sales model in the eshop, especially with newly released games or ones that are "coming soon" like in the example above.

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