yeah just like Chromium technically speaking
the only time I get annoyed or frustrated is when they don't read whatever pop up they get and immediately press "ok" or "continue" and it borks everything
Support small refurbishing shops online and buy your phone used from them, and put Linux or another Android fork such as Calyxos or Graphene on them. Works great for me.
purism is literally a scam company and shouldn't be promoted
blah! Android forks!
postmarket os is where it's at!
or Ubuntu Touch if you're... that type of person.
wasn't the same thing said about ATM's? and then it created the need for banks to hire more employees?
iirc, technology/robots has only been able to create more jobs, right? or am I misinformed?
Sorry I dont really understand your point, it could be my bad English.
I'm gonna explain my point further; You can make it look like you're using Chrome when you're not, and if everyone just makes it look like they're using Chrome, then developers will only support Chrome and Google can and will pull off whatever shit they want to like Web DRM, just under a different name which they've done in the past.
So the minority using Firefox won't have proper support and will see more pop ups like these from more websites. The only difference being whatever feature the website needs actually won't be supported on Firefox because developers only see that everyone is using "Chrome".
The problem I have with this though is if enough people on Firefox spoof their user agent to Chrome, it's gonna look like less and less people are using Firefox and Chrome will eventually have a monopoly.
Don't force your child to play mind games with their other parent or try forcing them to read out loud their entire text message history or explain their entire conversation they had with their other parent.
Don't force them to lie to their other parent but also try and force them to tell you every lie the other parent made.
Don't yell and scream at them or act pouty and manipulative when they say "No".
If you have a problem with your partner take it with then directly, if its not fixable then don't be together. Just please don't use your child to manipulate your partner into depression or anger and force your kid to "choose a side", it'll make them resent you both.
damn I wish I lived where you lived