Yes, they are originally from here.
joined 1 year ago
House M.D. (2004)
Daredevil (2015)
The Expanse (2015)
Make sure you buy the correct type of plunger.
Cup plungers are meant for sinks.
Flange plungers are meant for toilets.
The United States of America
Na, I understood the joke just fine. If you were here when I replied my joke to the joke, you would know that the post I replied to had negative votes until I made my joke. Then everyone else realized that they were making a joke and started giving them upvotes. Have a good day.
I’m sorry to be the spelling guy but it’s “phobia” not “fobia”
I've been trying New for about a week. In hopes to upvote things from communities I like to improve engagement.
I posted some OC four days ago.
Candied pecans