Telegram is the worst kind of "secure" messaging in that it gives you a false sense of security while not really being secure.
Maybe it has to be vim in emacs on an emac
I suspect the world would collapse into some kind of singularity if someone ever ran vim on an emac.
One cool thing about these leaks is: if you weren't saying batshit crazy stuff, no one would care.
This "China's AI is taking your data and that's bad" is shockingly similar to "TikTok is taking your data and that's bad". Lots of US counterparts do the same thing, but I don't see (as much) media coverage about that.
Don Draper: "no no no, everyone else's cigarettes are dangerous. Lucky Strikes are... toasted."
AI is data hungry. If they opt you in, they also get more data from you automatically.
Even if everyone opts out on day 2, they get a crap ton of free stuff in the meantime.
You highly doubt my personal experience?
Proprietary by Sony, but they did open source it
The bitrate is manually enforceable on Linux, too
*specifically using PipeWire
As unfortunate as the naming misdirection is, I have to say: LDAC sounds significantly better (to me) than other Bluetooth codecs I have tried. It also works on Linux and android with no issues whatsoever. Open source is good.
I use it with a pair of Sony XM5's, which can also be used in wired mode, so you kind of get the best of both worlds.
Tax dollars are definitely being stolen... by this unelected buffoon