
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

When I was a child, they reminded me of grapes, but tasted salty... which is why I hated them

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago (2 children)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I love Ahnestly's channel when it comes to chairs. helped me pick my steelcase gesture

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 months ago

Why don't they just rename it to "AdOS" already?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Procrastinating... I feel, whenever I postpone something for tomorrow, days fly by faster than usual.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

oh man... I'm such a dumb dumb .. didn't even try 10.3.0, now I did and the docker version works and is extremely fast, compared to a CPU... Thank you so much.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

It would the first scenario you described... i'd just interact with a chatbot occasionally like I do with chatgpt now...but I'd also like to try to experiment with copilot like models to test and use with vscode. So no training of models or 24/7 batch operations.

I was wondering whether a custom built gaming PC is the only solution here or if there are other cjeaper alternatives that get the job decently done

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (4 children)

I have the exact same gpu and tried that. But couldn't get ollama docker version (rocm) to work with the gpu. even changing the env variable to 10.30.1. (rocminfo reports gfx1031)

would you mind giving some instructions or a link?


I've a minipc running an AMD 5700U where I host some services, including ollama and openwebui.

Unfortunately the support of rocm isn't quite there yet and not to mention that of mobile GPUs.

Surprisingly the prompts work when configured to use the CPU, but the speed is just... well, not good.

So, what'd be a cheap and energy efficient setup to run sone kind of LLM for personal use, but still get decent speed?

I was thinking about getting an e-gpu case, but I'm not sure about how solid this would end up.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 months ago (6 children)

well, no offense, but what else do you expect, if you don't select the tile that includes 1px of the motorbike that's part ofthe surrounding tiles? get over it, man!


[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

I think this part should be better left off to the actual tool that does a more promising job on security, like a firewall.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago

Always follow the 3-2-1 rule, Google. Always!

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 months ago

A friend of mine and I were chilling in his car and listening to music.

At some point we both farted silently at the same time, but without knowing the other one farted too. It smelled horrible... like 2 disgusting farts mixing together.

The funny part is, as silly as we were then, we both also inhaled deeply, kind of to brag about "our" accomplishment... we then looked at each other confused, like "why the hell did you just inhale my fart?" ...

he then went like "wait, did you just fart?" ... "uhm yes... did you too?" ... "yes!" ... "OMG! urghhh... open the window!"


I like how GF shows me articles (with images) of different websites and topics.

I tried freshrss, and the general RSS workflow, but it's somehow too frustrating having 20 articles of the same site when scrolling through the feeds and it also looks somehow dull without images.

But maybe it's just me not using the right tools.

What do you guys use to aggregate news about different topics?


As someone who listens to a lot of niche artists, I was upset, that not all albums were present in MusicBrainz. So I came up with a solution.

Meet Lidarr++Deemix!

This tool helps to enrich Lidarr, by providing a custom proxy, that hooks into the process without modifying Lidarr itself, and injects additional albums from deemix.


Basically title. Is it common to use some kind of RAID for backing up other RAIDs or do people just go with single drives?


I've been using Google for the last decade and am owly moving away from it.

I'm on Fastmail (FM) right now. While I love their mailservice, the calendar and contacts integration is okey-ish, compared to Google.

Right now, my contacts are scattered across these services. New contacts that I add on my Android phone, are obviously not available on FM, and vice versa.

Therefore I'd like to setup a self hosted solution to manage contacts/calendars on a centralized place.

But right now, I can't seem to wrap my head around this topic. I often see caldav/cardav mentioned, but don't know how exactly they are related.

FYI: I'm a software developer, and I already host a bunch of services behind a reverse proxy.

Example scenarios:

  • Install a full-featured calendar app (mobile, desktop, web) -> connect to my service
  • Someone sends me a calendar invite to FM -> sync to my service
  • I add a new contact on my Android phone -> sync to my service (make it visible in FM)
  • I add a new contact in FM -> sync to my service
  • I send a new calendar invite via FM -> sync to my service
  • Bonus I send a new calendar invite via App, and it get's sent via FM to the recepients.

So my question is what self-hosted solutions (besides Nextclowd) are out there that would allow me to accomplish that?

Hey guys,

I've been building a frontend for restic the past couple of weeks, and it's at the stage where the app is finally ready and usable. So I wanted to share it with the world. Oh, and it's FOSS of course.

It's intended to be used either as a cross-platform desktop app (built using wails) or to be run in a Docker container, for homelab uses, etc.

PRs and feature requests are more than welcome :-)

Right now, I could also use some help for distributing it across the different platforms, AUR, Flatpak, etc.

I hope you guys like it. Cheers!


I just received a new Fire TV cube gen 3, because my old one is malfunctioning. I know, I hate these devices myself, but it's the only option right now, since a new version of the Nvidia shield isn't coming in the foreseeable future.

So, I plugged in the power chord and the HDMI cable into the cube.

When it booted up it showed a screen that it's downloading the newest update. At first I thought this must be some typo-bug on the initial boot steps, because I haven't even connected it to the internet yet, neither via cable nor did I go through the wifi setup.

After the update has finished, I was greeted with my real name and the cube indeed had the actual WiFi settings!

WTF?! How's that even possible?


We all get bored sometimess and scroll mindlessly through various social media feeds, like instagram (fuck you), reddit (fuck you) or lemmy (no offense, love you guys).

Most of the time content is a wild mix of everything, from news to memes and educational stuff, and very hard to filter out.

Is there anything out there that contains educational stuff only? where you can just sit there, scroll through it and learn something. thinking of like a short text or image showing some facts, or some math examples, or physics, or whatever.


Basically title. Is there some service that can be linked to the *arrs for rating music, discovering trending stuff etc?


I'm about to move away from Google, and I am redoing my self-hosting setup.

Right now, I'm running unRAID and Virtual DSM (Docker).

However, one thing that somehow bothers me, is, that all DSM files reside on a virtual disk, which is passed to the Docker container.

To access these files, I created a share synology, exported it via SMB in unRAID, and used mount -t nfs /mnt/user/synology to mount the files from the DSM docker container onto the share. This way I can access them via SMB from within the LAN.

My idea was to have a share in unRAID, and have that mounted into DSM. So exactly the opposite of what I'm doing now. This however works only partially. The mounted share only shows up in File Station, but not in Synology Drive. I went so far to ssh into DSM and tried to mount the share manually AND using mount --bind to mount it inside the users home folder, but without luck. When doing so, Synology Drive wouldn't let me interact at all. Not even when mounting it onto a sub-dir within the users home-directory.

Did anyone else have this same crazy idea and managed to solve it?

Politicizing children is just not acceptable, no matter which side you're on.


I recently asked about an alternative to Google Drive, and someone mentioned Synology. After some digging, I came across xpenology.

Since I already have an Intel NUC (proxmox), I decided to give it a go and got it successfully setup in a dedicated VM.

Now that Synology looks very powerful, I decided to go with it while also planing to upgrade my current NUC setup from 250GB ssd/750GB HD to 2tb nvme/2tb SSD.

While doing that, I was wondering whether I should keep my current VM (fedora) that runs some docker services like ~~proxmox~~ portainer, reverse-proxy, blocky, etc or whether I should move these to the xpenology VM.

Edit: I just realized, my comment was confusing due to a typo... To clarify: I run proxmox on bare-metal and have two VMs in there, Fedora and xpenology. So in short, is the Fedora VM redundant while having a powerfull synology OS already running?

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