Spotted the iMessage user who routinly cries about dot colour
He wants the content there rather than people going to other sites for it - that way he knows EXACTLY what's being posted there, what people are saying about him and Donny - he wants to own and control it all.
Possible bullet: May get made redundant rather than having to quit and find somewhere else - may get an easier out than just quitting.
Bullet Bill on Mario Kart
Doesn't change the fact that he's a man-child crying that no-one wants to give him money to advertise on his sinking-ship platform.
Man-child cries to the government that no-one wants to play with him.
haha file structure - it's going the Apple way of just chuck it in and then search for what you want rather than being a grown-up and keeping things organised and tidy
Ask Robert'); DROP TABLE Students; 's mum how it went.
It went downhill when poking and sheep throwing went away.