
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

That Baywatch show on friends looks good.

"Always running"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I don't see how that goes against anything I have said? That just supports what I said if anything.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

There is a shit load of gold out their in minute concentrations

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

There a lot of fatties out there that think they are healthy and that someone who got visible ribs in anorexic. Heard quite a few stories if people going to the doctors and finding out they are obese when they thought they were a healthy weight.

People need more education on this matter not less.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

If someone works out how to make gold cheap. Then the current value of all gold will collapse and there were be a huge supply of shit that's been covered in dust in a vault for 100 years.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

They can make steel with just electricity and I don't see why if you are making a fuel for planes why you wouldn't make straight kerosene.

I can see how you could mass produce hydrogen for industry then use it in winter. But I can also see all high energy industries going to places with good solar.

The future is going to be weird that's for sure.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Especially in Europe there is a big question of winter energy demand not meeting supply from solar. That causes issues that wind doesn't fully solve.

So I get that hydrogen could be an option to balance the grid over yearly time periods. Although I think batteries still look better.

But so much of hydrogen just seems like a scam

It added that all necessary equipment could soon be housed on a platform directly on an offshore wind turbine

Like why would you even do that? I don't get it. It must go from kinetic energy to electrical then to the hydrogen plant surely. Why wouldn't you send that electricity back to shore?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (13 children)

Humans can drive with just vision.

Tesla is doing it the hard way. Their model involves cars just having vision and driving the same as humans do. Humans can do it, why can't computers? Seeing as they have more cameras than 2. In theory they should be better than human drivers. Once it is solved they could instantly drive anywhere humans can.

Waymo has taken an easier route and they have used a lot of detailed mapping with also an assortment of additional sensors. Waymo doing it the easy way has only recently achieved this. Turns out it's really hard. Harder than everyone including the experts expected probably.

But with advances in computing and things like LLM's Tesla is catching up. Who knows how long that will take though? I always thought waymo was doing the right thing so I'm biased.

Edit: this fucking website I swear. I answered the question and got downvoted for it. What more you people want from me?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I really thought that movie came out in the 80's. Mid 80's I would have guessed.

Time is merging.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

That would be great.

Hopefully one day soon.


"the Alphabet-owned company has been allowed to deploy an unlimited number of robotaxis for paid driverless rides in the city [San Francisco] at all hours. In March, state regulators allowed the company to expand its commercial ride-hailing to 22 Peninsula cities.

Now, Waymo officials are declaring victory after a year of commercial driverless service without any serious incidents and say it gives them confidence to speed up their robotaxi expansion.

David Margines, Waymo’s director of product management, said in an interview that the company’s one-year track record in San Francisco “is a validation” that its robotaxis can “drive safely” and “coexist in the communities that we want to operate in.”

“Looking back over the year, I’m thrilled to say that it’s been a big success,” he said."


"Waymo regularly takes its autonomous vehicles on winter road trips to test the cars in snowy environments. In 2017, it was Michigan.

This year, Waymo will hit multiple wintry locales, including Truckee, California; Upstate New York; and Michigan, from the Upper Peninsula to the metro Detroit area"


Seen this on reddit and thought it was an interesting question that largely is not talked about.

It is largely an issue that gets sidelined and hidden because people don't want to talk about it or accept that it exists. Hopefully this gets some traction to break that marginalisation.


I'm not a conspiracy theory guy but I seen the post on 9/11 on no stupid questions and it seemed more fleshed out than I expected.

So what are conspiracy theories that turned out to be true?

And what are the most believable conspiracy theories out there?


"Waymo has filed a request to the California Public Utilities Commission to expand robotaxi service in the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles region. In the SFBA, it grows from just San Francisco to the whole peninsula, all the way to Sunnyvale but not including Marin, the East Bay and Santa Clara/Cupertino/San Jose. The LA area includes everything north and west of Compton, but not the San Fernando valley."

This is massive I'm not really sure what the writer is on about with the title.

Waymo have been in the background making slow and steady progress for years. So much so most people probably don't even know the extend of their self driving (without a human behind the wheel) developments.

This could be the beginning of the big push to actual serious market infiltration.

While walking, cycling, electric mobility, and trains are a must for a healthy city they do run into problems. Mainly the last mile problem and unexpected journeys, self driving cars will make a huge impact on the health of cities, traffic and ease of getting around.

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