They're right. A week is 6 days, 23 hours, and 45 minutes longer than it takes to get yourself and any luggage or boxes, bags, purses, shoes with a strap that's fabric on fabric. If it's a proper bedbug infestation, sitting on anything. Putting your shoes next to the wall or in a closet on the floor. Putting a bag on the floor. They're small, easily visible when you know where to look, but if you're not specifically looking for them, and you go into an infested home/hotel/restaurant/shop, now you almost certainly have them on you and/or your stuff. They'll hang out until you put whatever they're on down, or sometimes just fall off. And now wherever they jump ship gets infested too.
Edit: Sorry, Trauma response. Metro area I grew up in had/has a bedbug epidemic. Multiple times living in infested apartments, or going to a friend's I haven't seen in awhile then getting a call a few days later saying they found a bunch of bedbugs and having to purge everything. shudders
In a reply to OP I mentioned having grown up in an area that was essentially a bedbug hotspot. Gassed 3 times if you're lucky.
If you're willing to just cut everything and GTFO, can stick a few sets of clothes in a bag and into the freezer for preferably 48hrs+, shoes too. While you wait, contact the city, inform them you are in an infested house. Bag everything up and most cities have a dedicated disposal team.
When you've sorted all the stuff and put it where disposal can get it take your sealed bag of freezer clothes directly out of the house to somewhere with no carpet, vinyl flooring or concrete, and no furniture nearby. Place the freezer bag away from all walls, stand well away from it and strip everything. All of what you take of goes into a different bag to be disposed of. If you have someone you're comfortable being naked around do this with a buddy, check eachother for bedbugs, get dressed. Bring the infested bag to the disposal pile. That bag. Does. Not. Touch. Your. Clothes. Sleeves rolled up, bag at arms length. Get it on the pile but don't get close.
Bounce. Spend the next 6 months being paranoid. Or years.