Down with sprints! Down with weekly retros! Down with scrum masters! Down with burn down charts! Just give me a feature to work on and a tool to track tickets. Everything else can fuck off.
The only sites I can think of that don't look like they use css are and bjarne stroustrup's website.
Any site that uses JS for more than trivial things is going to be a disaster without styling of some kind.
This makes absolutely no sense. Front ends that include JavaScript still use css.
I have a half bathroom about this far from the kitchen in my house. What's wrong with this?
We never called if statements AI until the last year or so. It's all marketing buzz words. It has to be more than just "it makes a decision" to be AI, or else rivers would be AI because they "make a decision" on which path to take to the ocean based on which dirt is in the way.
None of it is even AI, Predicting desired text output isn't intelligence
i is for index. j is simply the next letter and we're too lazy to think up something meaningful
Saying that it's over and the Reddit won is a bit naive. The majority of the subs that I used to frequent have come back online, but they are definitely still protesting. ProgrammerHumor is making new troll rules based on majority vote every week. Madlads made everyone a mod. Many subs are posting John Oliver or troll versions of their original purpose.
It's not over. Will they succeed? Who knows. But Reddit is currently a completely different place than it was a month ago because of the ongoing protests.
Consider the opposite. Every single person on the planet making 10 posts per day. It would be like Facebook on super meth.
You don't let pedophiles babysit your kids, and you don't let Facebook federate with your social network.
The same reason that a lot of crosswalks have fake buttons. So you feel like you have control.
Socialization is always brought up as an excuse not to allow WFH. The thing is though, replacing real socialization with work fucking blows. Talking to a coworker to get the latest TPS report isn't socialization. It's work. The only time you do any real socialization is after work ends. And there's nothing stopping you from going out to dinner with coworkers when you work from home.