
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago (3 children)

I mentioned it in my reply to this comment, but Simple Tab Groups is a pretty solid alternative in Firefox.

Its not quite as elegant as the built-in Chrome ones, but it does make it easy to have a bunch of groups sorted out that you can flip between.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Generally, its not that I have too many tabs as much as I have some tabs I leave open all the time and want to condense down a bit.

For example, at work I use Chrome for my main web work, and FF for my... uh... shit like this. So I have a bunch of Chrome tabs open that I know I'll have to make changes to again in the future, so they stay open. I also have 'projects' which contain a bunch of pages that are all related to each other. Being able to group those together and collapse makes it easy to quickly get back into them when someone wants a small, insignificant (sorry, extremely important!) change to them that needs to be done yesterday, and I can eventually just throw the group away once the project is mostly complete and not going to be touched by human hands ever again (until a year later, when it suddenly becomes a critical problem for someone, and thus a problem for me... I'm not complaining, you're complaining).

At home, I mainly use Firefox. I have an extension that allows me to have tab groups, but its not as nice looking as the built-in Chrome version (Simple Tab Groups, which is actually quite nice, but not as pretty as the Chrome ones). I have a group for my usual fucking around stuff (Discord, YT, Kbin, DIM (Destiny app), wiki for whatever other game I'm playing), a tab for my streaming stuff (which I don't use often, but as I have a few container tabs for logging in to my brother's account for a handful. I like to just leave those open so I don't have to worry about it), and a group for my "working from home" stuff like email/OneDrive and a smaller amount of pages I always keep open because I'm always editing them for work.

So all in all, I don't have like a hundred tabs open at any given time, and I could make due with just having them all bookmarked and open them as need be... but honestly, that's a bit of a hassle and would also either leave me with a ton of useless bookmarks after a month or two, or require me to curate my bookmarks every month or two. Versus just having a tab group I can just kill off once I know I'm done with their work.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 7 months ago

Looking for a pure CSS implementation of a concept?

Best I can do is an overly elaborate jquery solution to your question, sorry.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago

My real question to anyone reading this is, as the devil’s advocate, what could YouTube do with ads or otherwise that would solve the “service problem” of “YouTube piracy”? And furthermore, is there any situaton where you would do anything other than block all Youtube Ads immdediately and with extreme prejudice?

My initial/gut reaction was "obviously relevant ads based on the content I'm watching", but I don't care how relevant the ad is when I've seen the same Raid Shadow Legend ad across multiple videos I'm gonna try to skip it (or as I did long, long ago: adblock it).

I don't even know what actual YT ads are now, only the integrated creator ones that they're personally sponsored by... the hello fresh and world of tanks and manscape and debrand etc., which I've started auto-skipping on a channel by channel basis based on very few criteria: the entertainment value/effort they've put into the ad (so Drew Gooden is usually always funny and gets a pass, same for channels like Wulff Den or Th3Jez or Critical Role) but certain ones just get manually skipped regardless (no matter how funny you are, I don't want to sit here and listen to you talk about Manscape for 3 minutes) and how often I end up seeing them (which in these instances, isn't often because they're channel specific usually)

So I guess it mainly boils down to relevant ads that aren't soulless and that I don't see 3x every other video?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

I'm essentially re-listening to the campaigns during my lunch break so if they all start getting annoying ads going forward I'll just go back to getting audio books from OverDrive I suppose.

The first campaign is still on their old Nerdist/Geek and Sundry listing (the newer ones look to be from, so I'm wondering if once I get through the ones there the newer stuff won't all be like that going forward.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I tried AntennaPod because folks on lemmy/kbin/beehaw/wherever have been recommended it, but it was being a bit weird with the only 'podcast' I listen to: Critical Role campaigns.

With Google Podcasts, they'd load in with a "Welcome to the Critical Role podcast" intro by one of the players, then go into the fanfare and then into the game. With AntennaPod, it would load (from the same subscription) with at least one ad right off the bat for some reason. I tried it a few times (granted, with just one episode (campaign 1, session 115)) and even uninstalled and reinstalled, and still had ad(s) at the front... I didn't bother to scrub through to see if it had more ads in the middle bits, because one ad was too many, ya know?

I then tried out Pocket Casts (another recommendation) and the podcast behaves exactly like the Google Podcasts one does... no ads.

Not sure why, but that is how it worked when I tried it at least so other folks may run into a similar situation based on the podcast(s) in question.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago (1 children)

While I do understand where you're coming from, someone being better at something shouldn't stop a person from doing what they love.

There are millions of people who draw better, sing better, dance better, write better, play video games better, design websites better or just do anything I can do better than I can... and that's fine.