
joined 10 months ago

I've been struggling with anxiety and depression for several years now, and finally got to a point where I can take care of myself day to day.

But i'm still looking to start earning some income to pay for living expenses and therapy, but I can't seem to find something that's not full time and long term. (Especially when looking for something higher than minimum wage)

Anybody have tips on where to find jobs or projects like this? (My background is in software engineering, but I'm willing to do anything, perhaps even more interested in options that don't require too much computer work)


Hi all.

I've been having trouble remembering events and tasks because I often don't notice the notifications of my smartphone or computer when focused on something.

How do you all deal with this without continuously checking your phone and laptop?

And when I check my laptop or phone, I often stop doing anything else because I know something is coming up. And I often also start browsing or doing other things which was not my intention.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

Maybe this should be enforced by law. At least for digital purchases which are basically a license.

The only things you can easily give to others are DRM free things, like the games you can buy from GOG. But in that case it’s also easy to copy.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Not if you already activated it.

It used to be possible to buy games as gifts and and them to your inventory to give to somebody ( or activate it yourself ) later.

Now, when you want to gift a game. You have to immediately select the person you want to send it to.


I want to learn how to cook properly and make simple recipes and don't spend too much time looking for what to make everyday.

So I start looking into some recipes I can make with the instant pot that we have at home.

But then I can't find certain ingredients in the local supermarket, or the ingredients are too expensive, so I start searching for other places to buy cheaper produce. Then I also start looking at what recipes don't take too much time to make, and read about meal prep and such, and find communities and websites. And then I look at local classes for learning how to cook, but they are way too expensive and I'm not sure whether they will be any good, etc...

And so I spend hours and hours researching all these things, but I never actually start cooking or go to the grocery store for ingredients.

I'm now feeling tired and have no energy to actually do any cooking anymore. And I just have no clue where to get started.

It seems like I'm stuck thinking of how to do something the best way possible, instead of actually trying something. But when I want to try something, I have no idea where to even start.

Anybody experience the same sometimes?

[–] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago (2 children)

This seems to be the config: cookiebanners.service.mode = 1 (reject all) or 2 (reject all or fall back to accept all).

So on 2 it would reject all, and if not possible, accept all.