What the hell did I just waste 30 seconds of my life on?
But if they’re having to manually edit 700 of 1000 orders, then it’s like saying “self driving but we have someone take over every 5 minutes”. Which is extremely misleading when they say “it’s AI!!!!”
Also for iOS, News Explorer. It uses iCloud to sync between your devices, everything is on device, and it will even somehow do Reddit feeds! (Uh, I mean, if you still do that, maybe…). One time payment. Glorious.
Have any recommendations?
You can set a background as an image. And if you’re worried about it not being convincing enough, you can use a greenscreen
Except since there’s no actual GPS tracker, it uses your IP address. Microsoft thinks I live in either Virginia or North Dakota or Florida, depending on which part of the company’s VPN I connect to.
And if you understand this joke, time to schedule your colonoscopy
I’ll be honest, when I first heard that Mozilla had come out with an AI I figured it was on the back of them trying a couple different ad scenarios, and assumed the worst. Pleasantly surprised by Orbit.
Actually, their new AI thing is actually useful: stays on-device, and summarizes web pages and videos.
But yes, they could stand to spend more money on the browser, and less on their CEO and other non-browser things.
*for values of Dan Levy
There’s one out there, named something like kangaroo, where they actually have signed firmware, and a hardware read/write switch (most of the time, the read/write switch is software based) parentheses.