7? I guess as long as it is announced. My neighborhood doesn't start until after 6 so people can get home.
Because sometimes they insist on abbreviating. It is just a stupid abbreviation.
What mass transit program is Musk trying to disrupt now? (As he did California's high speed rail with the Hyperloop.)
Must suck to be so rich and know you will still die.
Edit: That wasn't nice of me. That is really great art. I like how it captures many "Musk" things.
The strings come off the "screwed in" part?
I don't think politicians came up with the new design, but embraced the new design. This has been an issue for decades and the ban is newin USA.
Climb on couch to get at cord. Fall. Cord wraps around neck.
Edit: Remember 12 year oldscan stillbe ~60 lbs and curtains tend to be screwed into the fame.
I used to think it was "only" toddlers. Tragic stories of 12 year olds dying from the pull cords. Fucking horrible.
they made me watch a video of the owner crying about his dead dad
Glad you didn't reward that behavior. WTF were they thinking?
Sad part is, the work could have been subbed out to the cheapest while homeowners paid much higher.
Thank you for the reference link.
China has one hell of a note on that page:
b. See info about additional detainees, and alleged detainees, at Re-education through labor, Laogai, and Xinjiang internment camps.
Too bad it is out of stock.
I don't know what you do, so this may not help.
Sometimes the exhaustion is more habit and expectation. If you don't go home one day, do you have more energy? (Just answer to yourself.) Like one week you were exhausted, but then home became exhausting by habit.