This doesn't make sense because they have the monopoly on video now. By monetizing a bit they are creating a a huge demand for a competitor, risking their monopoly.
That leads to focusing on the nitty gritty details first, building a library of thing you think you might need and you forget to think about the whole solution.
If you come up with another solution half way through, you will probably throw away half of the code you already built.
I see TDD as going depth first whereas I prefer to go breadth first. Try out a solution and skip the details (by mocking or assuming things). Once you have settled on the right solution you can fill in the details.
Right,too much coverage is also a bad thing. It leads to having to work on the silly tests every time you change som implementation detail.
Good tests let the insides of the unit change without breaking, as long as the behave the same to the outside world.
And it's nice to know that the sun is actually at its highest at noon and its lowest at midnight. Seems weird to me to decide that 13:00 is when the sun is highest...
Why would we still be counting Earth years when we leave Earth?
Is it less rape it you use a condom? What if you ask her if she's on the pill and trust her?
The latest estimate of how many people that use the internet at all is around 5 billion. Where did you get that number?
Android is by far the most used operating system for web use and for servers it's estimated at 77 % linux, not 50 % as stated above.
Windows dominated the desktop segment, you should realize that desktop use is in decline in favor of mobile usage.
As little as possible,I think
On digital vs physical:
Digital versions are locked into the whim of Nintendo. For instance, you can't play the game on another switch if the user who brought it is playing another game on their account. In fact, the second Switch can't even play it without having an internet connection.
You can't sell a digital copy second hand, meaning the value is way lower for digital copies. They still have the same retail price though...
ESC + (shift) ZZ is faster and also saves your changes!
I think Americans have bigger issues to deal with than chargers or net neutrality (e.g. playing world police, or starving children, abortion laws). Thankfully the EU can step up.