
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Shredded of course

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago

I can't imagine getting worked up about it either, but then the whole mildly infuriating deliberate oxymoron turn of phrase is that it's something that should only really be a little annoying but which nonetheless is really quite annoying. It's a type of silent frustration where you feel it, but you don't really express it or visibly react.

In terms of what should they have put on these screens? If they felt they absolutely had to do this or really thought it might help make people's situations feel even a modicum of improvement, then the glib messages could maybe have focussed on something other than gratitude as their common theme. It hardly seems like the appropriate time to bring that up. By their nature, any cheesy and overly broad phrase is probably going to have a sadly ironic and patronising tone to it in the circumstances but maybe something like "hang in there" or just about anything except what they went with has got to better.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago

To keep you busy so they can show up during the call and claim no one was there.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I pass butter.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Gee that Barbara sure does manage to be insightful on a lot of different topics. I try not be presumptuous but sometimes I really do feel surprised that she has so much more depth to her than her modelling career might make you think. Truly a polymath.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 weeks ago

I hated it at first, and when it really took off as the trendy thing at least here in my country I particularly hated it because they were outrageously sweet. It was like having a burger between 2 slices of cake, it sucked. I also felt there were textural things that just weren't right and I complained about the hipster takeover of good burger bread.

I've mellowed on it now, I think in part because they've actually changed. I think the commercially made ones used in burger places now seem to actually taste of bread and are only just a little sweet and the whole combo especially with lots of mustard works really nicely. They look beautiful and when they aren't super sweet they add a little something without being too cloying or distracting. I appreciate nice flavourful bread in a burger but ultimately it's a vehicle and brioche strikes a good balance between the awful grocery store bag of fluff burger buns and super hard chewy hipster sourdough or some weird, not round form factor bread that should really be a pita or a pizza. So long as they're toasted, they're all good and it grows on you. Which is fortunate as everybody seems to have decided that that's burger bread now so I'm glad I picked up the taste for it.

I also had the same thought on the greasiness but then I kind of discovered how much nicer the super greasy, drippy, messy kind of burgers are and once they're made like that with tons of juice and fat, they're so greasy and messy that no bread is going to save you from having completely greasy hands anyway so some negligible amount extra from the bun isn't all that worth worrying about. If it's one of those burgers with the tighter texture that's not quite so indulgent, maybe a bit drier, not as big a pattie then the bread is a lot more important and the Brioche is a less good option, especially as it's also greasy but otherwise, I've changed my tune on the brioche.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Maybe you should start the long process of manually changing everything to grammatically correct, parseable nonsense, comment by comment. Make it a long term project.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I know this is a digression from the topic but, what's with the word 'cuck'? I've never understood why people are called 'cucks' as an insult. My understanding is that it's short for cuckold and that's always seemed weird to me because if a guy gets cheated on by his partner I don't automatically think less of them for having that happen to them. There's another, I assume more modern, sense of the word where 'cuck' is referring instead to a fetish where a guy likes seeing their partner have sex with others. But like, if that's the sense of the word being used when someone is derisively called a 'cuck' as an insult then it makes even less sense than the more traditional meaning of the word because if they're in to that, then surely they're unlikely to feel particularly ashamed or upset about people calling them that because it's just... accurate.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 weeks ago

Fuck this one guy in particular.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

I think you actually usually can get them to list them all, never much interested, they're all going to be completely random names you never heard of, just so long as I can reject them all, that's all I care about, otherwise I have to browse a different website on principle.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (11 children)

Well, it was never implied that God was supposed to be subject to the same commandments. The whole religion kind of requires holding God above one's self and others as well, as do many religions with creator gods. It doesn't really work if God is supposed to equal to us and subject to the same constraints, they're supposed by design to be omniscient and omnipotent and perfect and that's why we're supposed to trust in them and all their dictates if we want to 'saved'.

It's not a particularly remarkable insight or cutting blow to point out that God doesn't follow their own rules since everybody knows that including the devout and they think it's a good thing. I'd hazard a guess that the ability to accept this so readily probably explains a lot about overlap between strength of religious belief and embrace of dictators who also don't model their own edicts.


When I want to find an app I haven't pinned to the home screen I swipe up from the bottom of the home screen to bring up a search bar where I can search for an app by name or scroll through list of all apps on the phone.

Thing is the search bar on my new pixel phone is actually a Google search bar that will search apps locally at the same time as providing web results, especially if it can't find the app by name.

It's a nice idea in theory but in practice I find it annoying, especially if I've just made a typo. Also, I'm just never going to use this search bar for web searching anyway because for that I would want my chosen browser so the web results are of no use to me.

I actually remember my old phone used to do what I wanted it to do, then one day it switched to what my new phone currently does and after a long time I found the solution to return it back to it's previous behaviour except now I've forgotten what I did.

I only want to search my phone's local storage for apps matching my keyword when I access the app drawer. How do I get rid of this Google search bar? (I'd love to get rid of the Google search bar from the home screen itself as well but I understand I can't do that without root on stock android.


It's strange but listening again to music from about 20 years ago, during a time when I was mostly sad and depressed, and where the musical choices reflected that, gives me a weird sense of nostalgia and longing for that time.

I know it's not unusual for music to do that, that's just run of the mill, it's just odd that, it has me longing for a time and associated mood that, on the whole, I kind of didn't really enjoy very much. The angsty tracks were what I listened to because I was so bummed out and dissatisfied.

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