Nevermind! I see what was said was that the unions can pay striking workers but it wont be the standard rate. So striking could cause lost wages.
If you bought the product we don't need to worry about losing money anymore bro
If its free you are the product.
To be honest in the US, most crimes are already Minority Reports
If it was then someone who lives there may have been able to see it and can say that.
Bodycams dont make sense if you work in a building. Just place cameras in the building.
The only value i could see is making an offender calm down by making them stare at a camera that is recording them.... even though they were already being recorded.
Yeah i would imagine as a percentage of their income it is at least a double digit %
Exceptions exist to every rule.
If someone responds like that they've said a lot (about themseleves)in very few words. It is still helpful.
If you want someone to give you a simple answer ask them a close ended question.
For example, "Should I do A or B?" If you ask for "this or that" it is clear to the listener that you considered your options already and have invested sufficient thought to your question. Therefore they can just offer you their opinion as it is asked.
If you ask "What should I do?" The listener has no idea where your head is at so it feels like their job to justify their answer.
Alternatively if you ask A or B and the correct answer is C then the listener may feel the need to correct your understanding because you asked for their assistance. The same teach a man to fish vs give a man a fish analogy applies here. Noone wants to repeatedly fish for the peraon too lazy to learn.
Let's see those kernel vulnerabilities!!!
Everyone works (at least partially) from home now. If you havn't taken a box of office supplies home yet you are probably braindead.