
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 days ago

I’m not gonna do punch anyone but I’d unrepentantly nullify any nazi punching trial jury i end up on. If the movement develops legs that carry it in the wrong direction, I’ll cease supporting it. For now, I’ll grin at the pain of the deplorables.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It will eventually find issues with malicious users but for now, it’s an incredible concept.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

[email protected] is a decent option for horror stories. Though I heavily recommend looking outside of Lemmy. There simply aren’t many readers here.

Edit: and [email protected]

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 weeks ago

Automattic says the move to WordPress will have its advantages, as it will make it easier to share the company’s work across the two platforms.

I foresee no issues

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Oh man, I’d never considered dysphoria extending past one’s appearance and mannerisms. Thank you so much for such a complete answer!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

That’d be amazing!

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (6 children)

Men tend to smell of cheese and women onions, respectively. I’d love to know whether transitioning alters one’s scent and whether the person tends to notice the change.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

He absolutely will. Granted it’ll be after all the little kinks like meningitis, aluminum poisoning, spontaneous ignition, malicious hacking, eternal nightmare states, blindness, cancer, and cluster headaches are ironed out. 90% death rate, babyyy

[–] [email protected] 46 points 4 weeks ago (9 children)

As long as they’re fans of trans positive meme dumps and endless half-serious slap fights about distros, they'll feel right at home.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

3000 dollars

Guess I’ll continue to use my old computer and an hdmi connection to a physically Wi-Fi disabled smart tv. I understand why it costs what it does but fuck.

[–] [email protected] 48 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Aaaaand it was hugged to death

Cool that Lemmy has enough users to DDOS but darn it, I wanted a hit of nostalgia

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Never realized it was a young girl holding the salt. Who the hell sends their kid into a rainstorm wearing ballet flats and a thigh high dress to get groceries? At least force some sweats on her. Drops are flying damn near sideways.


>be me
>chad body, assburgers mindset
>don't be blond twink who squats in the smith machine
>don't want to stare
>he has thot levels of thick glutes
>tiny wasp waist and slim hips
>some modest muscle development in arms and chest
>nothing compared to his massive glutes
>weird and obscene body type that puzzles me

>still be me
>happen to come into locker room right after twink comes out of showers with a towel wrapped around his hips
>don't be old beergut retiree boomer who spends seven hours a day in the sauna and in the locker room, every single day
>beergut guy is walking around bare naked like usual
>see things happening as if in slow motion
>gym twink is trying to get his clothes from his locker while his towel slowly slides down
>huge glutes are in danger of exposure
>old beergut guy approaches reaching for the twink
>not sure what he's trying to do but I don't like it
>jump up in between them and yell
>”Touch him and I’ll tear you limb from limb."
>Didn't know my voice goes that low
>old beergut skedaddles back into the sauna
>turn around, look down at gym twink
>he stutters, th-thanks
>say ”Cover your nipples”
>turn around and head to the showers, still in shorts and socks
>stay in there thirty minutes
>he's gone when I come out
How do I save this. /fit/?


>be me
>be white
>have job in landscaping for multiple HOAs
>work with a lot of latinos who speak little to no English
>white lady comes up to me
"OH thank God, someone who speaks English"
>start speaking back to her in Dutch


MFW I tried to commit suicide once.

[a picture of a sad woodsman Pepe]

>be me
>have staff bow with arrows found at garage sale
>home alone and miserable
>start shooting bow at my mattress
>get idea
>go outside and shoot bow straight up in the air
>close my eyes and wait for deaths release
>nothing happens
>shoot another and then a other
>not working
>this time I shoot up in the air and try to watch to see where it's going to land
>run across lawn hopping it hits me
>keep doing this for a while
>parents come home
>watch me furiously shoot arrow into air then run around the back yard
>parents think I'm autistic and took my bow away

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

[a picture of an elevator with closed doors]

>get in
>door closes
>on a new floor
do you guys really believe in this?


I'm gay.

My dad is not pleased with this fact. Completely homophobic.

Half the time his homophobia doesn't even make sense.

>Fishing show on TV in the living room
>Watching it with mom and dad
>Mom: "I don't have the patience for that kind of stuff
>Me: "It doesn't feel like too long when you're out there"
>Dad: "Time flies when you're a removed."
>Go to my room

It's getting ridiculous. He goes out of his way to respond to everything I do by calling me a removed.

Anon experiences VRChat (
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

>go to a club in vrchat
>a huge titty dragon girl and a cat girl are groping each other and kissing
>a fucking dude runs over as this guy
>screams 'I AM MEGALON'
>crashes the map

Write a 4chan greentext

> be me
> working at Tumblr
> David Karp comes in with a VR Headset
> "Hey, I want to show you something"
> he hands me the headset
> I put it on
> and I'm in a post-apocalyptic world
> "This is what Tumblr will be like in 10 years"
> I take off the headset
> "Wow, that was amazing"
> "Yeah, we're working on it"
> he walks away

>open thread about a problem I'm having
>first reply is by some obviously "respected" guy
>avatar is some incredibly choppy anime gif
>all caps red name, underlined
>VIP member - top contributor
>some other custom subtitle about the sites culture or some shit
>40k posts
>[SITENAME] clan
>Recent achievements: 1000 hours online, 10k posts, achieved years ago
>joined Dec 2005
>10000 Karma
>like 20 fucking red stars under his name
>From: the Underworld or some edgy shit
>MSN, Facebook, E-mail, Skype, AIM, literally everything
>personal website that has the same name as his nick, just a bunch of gifs
>signature is like 4 paragraphs, 2 quotes, like 20 fucking toolbars or irrelevant shit like nvidia user, coca cola drinker, air breather, removed etc
>some edited anime image at the end of his signature with his nick stylized on it
>read his post
>"i dont know lol"

Anon battles his demons (
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

>sleeping nude, as usual
>wake up, sleep paralysis
>feel stroking against the side of my head, hear “there there, it'll be fine…”
>feel imbued with power and RAGE
>suddenly no longer paralyzed
>LAUNCH myself out of bed, unmute computer, turn on screen
>Techno Rocker Rob Mayth Remix begins blasting at max volume, looping
>grab flamberge (picture of a glowing red sword being forged)
>run all through house, waving sword about while nude, flipping lights on
>did this for an hour
>5:30AM by the time my rage dies down
>scream "FUUUUCK YEEEEAAAAAH" turn off lights, go to sleep
>no experiences since


>neighbor asks me what the fuck I was doing running around naked with a large sword last night >ask him why he was watching >he shuts up

Anon loves his mum (
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

>my mom left school at 16 due to poverty
>never showed much interest in books, music etc
>retired last year
>has since been reading through all the books I left in boxes at home
>her enthusiasm for reading is so pure I feel bad for not enjoying reading that much these days
>she kept asking me if I was writing a book and said she could "never do that"
>picked up the hint and encouraged her to give it a go, without getting my hopes up
>tfw she sent me a story she wrote about two rabbits who become friends
>tfw it made me cry and feels more honest than anything I've written

How to cope with this feel bros?

I love my mum so much.


heres a story from when i was a teenager

>be 14
>my mother is very sick
>constant medical issues, mobility issues
>not fat, she literally cant balance
>being 14, i thought she was invincible and would just get over it
>shes literally riddled with cancer
>shes a fighter though, and we live in australia so amazing healthcare
>she battles every shitty illness for 2 whole years
>all this time still manages to just be my mum
>makes me lunches, helps with homework, etc
>I’m always nice to her, because shes sick but sometimes it takes it toll and i get mad
>we have to eventually get a carer in to look after her as she is getting very sick
>she is bedridden before i know it, i can hear the medical equipment from my room
>wake up one night to her gasping, walk into her room with a glass of water
>shes gasping for air, she'd fallen from bed and broken 2 vertebrae
>she goes to hospital for 2 months after that
>fast forward 3 months and she is well enough to go to the park with her best friend and me
>we laugh and she even made us some sandwiches
>she gets sicker over the next few days
>but she still does those mum things, like making my school lunches
>she barely has enough energy to get out of bed, but still makes my lunch
>get called out of class one day, told to go to the office
>there is a cab waiting for me, the principal tells me "the school is here for you" but i don’t understand
>get to hospital, taken to emergency
>watch my mother smile at me and take her last breath
>later that night I’m home, walk into the kitchen after crying for hours
>open the fridge
>laid out in there are my school lunches for the next 3 days
>she literally used the last energy in her body to make sure i had my lunches for that week
>i sat there on the floor and ate every last one

i still cant think about how caring that woman was without tearing up.

god i miss her.


>trying to make my way through Infinite Jest when all of a sudden I hear someone's ringtone.
>"oh hi! I'm in the library... yeah I can talk"
>how dare he interrupt me during my daily Brain Gain session!
>spend 15 minutes carefully listening to his conversation, waiting for him to finish
>he finally does
>carefully observe for another 50 minutes until he finishes reading
>follow him outside the library, meet him just by the front door
>"y-you shouldn't, uh, t-talk in the library"
>he looks at me, somewhat bewildered
>"g-give me your telephone"
>"you fukkin' what?"
>"it's your p-punishment... I collect them in my trophy room"
>he beats me mercilessly
>crawl back into the library
>someone checked out my book thinking it was a library copy

such is the life of a modern intellectual

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