
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 months ago

They are one of them. June 2024: Mozilla has acquired Anonym, [...]. This strategic acquisition enables Mozilla [...] deliver effective advertising solutions.


[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

For Germean voters there is the WahloMat to help with the voting choice (a dozen of questions and in the end shows how much overlap there is with all the parties): https://www.wahl-o-mat.de/europawahl2024/app/main_app.html

The major issue is that if you care about CopyRight: Party A. Easier to comply with regulation: Party B. Migration: Party C. Environment: Party D.

And all of the choices (A-D) have some very removed, prominent positions that you strongly oppose and in the end, have no clue what to elect and choose the least worst option and hope for the best.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Well ... I think the Middle East wants to enter the chat. Multiple wars, multiple revolutions, and multiple plagues.


Have you ever wondered if the yellow/orange plastic windows that all resin/SLA 3D printers have are sufficient?

Here's your answer:

interesting data points:

  • 500nm: 54.9% (transmission)
  • 490nm: 37.9%
  • 480nm: 16.9%
  • 470nm: 1.6%
  • 460nm: 0.3%

**What does this mean? Feel free to comment. **

My take:

First of all, this instrument is not designed to measure OD, so it can barely measure down to OD3. The actual value for 400-450nm could be lower (e.g. 0.001-0.0001% transmission).

SLA 3D printers work at 405nm. This means that the enclosure will likely protect you from the UV radiation of the printer. This is good news.

Does it also protect the resin from sunlight? To answer this question, it is important to understand how the resin behaves to wavelengths above 460nm (not measured). In my practical experience, it does not provide adequate protection. Clean the vat after each print or add another light-blocking layer for (short-term) storage.-