Actually, no. Windows viruses can work well in wine. You still have to be careful in that regard.
This guy seriously has the mentality of a three year old.
But Microsoft don't want you to block ads either, so they'd never do that anyway.
4GB? More like 400GB...
What's your definition of a "real job"? Do you think content creators just make videos without any effort?
The real version is on F-Droid
No, I like old cars too for the same reasons
I never switched from Firefox. Why anyone used Chrome in the first place is beyond me.
As others have said, there's going to be some registry setting you can change to negate this. Short term, this should work, but may need to be repeated if any updates revert the change.
The long term solution is to just stop using Windows, because it's clear Microsoft is intent on turning it into a bloated, ad-infested piece of trash.
Windows 7 (or arguably XP) was the last decent version of Windows, in my opinion. Once I saw what was coming next, I started dabbling in Linux. Now I use Linux most of the time. It's definitely a big change, and there's a lot of new stuff to learn, but I love having an operating system that doesn't look like a corporate junk mailer pamphlet.
Is anyone still using CCleaner? I gave up on it years ago when it turned into bloated junk.