Yuzu was made with ill gotten software (switch SDK,)
RJ did not and Nintendo knew that
Yuzu was made with ill gotten software (switch SDK,)
RJ did not and Nintendo knew that
Not sure if sarcasm or apologist
Maybe head honchos don't go into the office all the time and aren't aware if the lower managers are working from home potentially
Soon Microsoft full body detection (including feet)
"Those loafers sure don't look like heels Jenny! I expect you to be in your office attire at all times during work hours."
Is that the malware that is undetectable because it runs purely in memory? The name is escaping me
If you look up HAARP Gemini will tell you that the center is surrounded in conspiracy theories and that they do not have the ability to control the weather.
But the last sentence says "effects by HAARP are nullified in seconds after shutting the machine off."
Definitely just "distribution"
iOS Gods is one
Yep exactly. Or when Putin orders and arrest of a critic....who is in an entirely different country
GitFlic in Russia. Good luck telling them to get rid of something
It's where Bypass paywall clean browser extension went after the DMCA bullshut