Who here is saying "No one should work" no one except maybe the most high on their own farts anarchist is saying that. The end goal of marxism is "From each According to their abilities to each according to their needs" their will be work, The farm will be ploughed. THe difrence is all will be provided for.
what about the owning class who does no work yet profits by taking the fruits of your labor by nothing more than saying they own it. Or the land lord who does the same. Capitalism in no way provides you what you earn, the banker did not do more work than the janitor, the Stock broker did not provide society more value than the fry cook.
no they should have unified the other way
You know there is a solution to this stalling untill companies decide they are ready...
Private Companies however have no insintive to actualy innovate, if you look at them they are all taking decades old NASA and USSR Space program tech and resuing it ... and callling it innovation
I disagree privitizing space will do absolutly nothing but lead to balooned costs and stagnation.
State Motto... do not ask me why it is the state motto, because I have absolutly no Idea
theythey have the qote mixed up its Ad Astra Per Aspare, To the stars through dificalties... you see it everywhere in Kansas
They are likely going to fund it less and give more and more of its mission over to space force and private companies is my guess
There is an alternate starting point, but it involves a few buddies.
It is called inviting the rich over as dinner
the GOP and RNC are the same
only one way... come on lets not do flattery to the capitalist class here