I have to charge the battery EVERY TIME! There is a wheel on the top I have to spin else it won't do ANYTHING.
I have to charge the battery EVERY TIME! There is a wheel on the top I have to spin else it won't do ANYTHING.
I heard the US military swears by a bodyscan meditation exercise. That works for me, or at the very least calms me way down. Sometimes I'll try and take a short walk through the night, because I love it, but thinking about leaving the bed an getting ready for outside makes me very sleepy :) . Good luck falling asleep, unwanted awakeness is super boring and gets old really quick.
We need a distinct name for what you link, because of al the rightwing wifebeaters hijacking the country music name.. NeoCountry? Vs Conservacountry??
Maybe that's how this smart tax strategy got uncovered?
You'll never believe this one crazy Swedish law that most modern tax codes also have!
And my mustache!
The always sunny explanation is better then most. Art is in the eye of the beholder. I think almost everything can be/is art, if you tried to create beauty or evoke emotion with design, it is art. No one can really call themselves an artist without sounding... Almost pompous? We are all artists.
Oof, that sounds like it'll be an intense climb back in to reality!
Hahaha, I can respect that! Too bad though, he's a fine actor, with many faces.
Burnout symptoms? Chemical dependence not being satisfied? Hormones?