
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 12 hours ago

I felt like I skipped this. People my age went to pagers, then sidekick phones, then touch screens.

I went from beeper, to flip phone, then palm pilot.

I must have had serious Wallstreet Stock Broker energy as a teenager.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 3 days ago (1 children)

A U.S. Navy chief who wanted the internet so she and other enlisted officers could scroll social media, check sports scores and watch movies while deployed had an unauthorized Starlink satellite dish installed on a warship and lied to her commanding officer to keep it secret, according to investigators.

Internet access is restricted while a ship is underway to maintain bandwidth for military operations and to protect against cybersecurity threats.

The Navy quietly relieved Grisel Marrero, a command senior chief of the littoral combat ship USS Manchester, in August or September 2023, and released information on parts of the investigation this week.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

That was what I thought five years ago. I was on the verge of removing it, and the android Facebook app killed my phone's battery, so delete it went.

And suddenly all my family drama stopped and if someone needs to get in touch with me, how surprising that they still found a way.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Real talk though. My vegetarian wife struggled to find good vegetarian meals in Oahu that were Hawaiian themed. Not that they didn't exist. Just that they were lacking compared to most major cities in America.

Me as a BBQ eater though... Gimme dat pork butt.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 week ago

(Things I brag about on my tinder profile)

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

For spam musubi?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

This guy/girl ~~fucks~~ knows how to vegetarian

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago


The first law of robotics never said the pain couldn't be emotional.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Girl is doing her best and changing what she can reasonably change within her locus of control.


A private school in London is opening the UK's first classroom taught by artificial intelligence instead of human teachers. They say the technology allows for precise, bespoke learning while critics argue AI teaching will lead to a "soulless, bleak future".

The UK's first "teacherless" GCSE class, using artificial intelligence instead of human teachers, is about to start lessons.

David Game College, a private school in London, opens its new teacherless course for 20 GCSE students in September.

The students will learn using a mixture of artificial intelligence platforms on their computers and virtual reality headsets.

[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 week ago

I was at a tech conference job fair and chatting with a bunch of former game programmers.

I absolutely messed up when I asked one guy who worked on a famous game why they decided to do X feature, and if that was the reason for the game's failure.

He looked me in the eyes and said something like, "I get orders from the business execs. So even if their ideas are obviously bad, if I don't do it, I get replaced. After the game is released, good or bad, I get replaced. If the game doesn't even get enough funding, I get replaced."

Gaming industry seems so toxic.


The songs that the AI CEO provided to Smith originally had file names full of randomized numbers and letters such as "n_7a2b2d74-1621-4385-895d-b1e4af78d860.mp3," the DOJ noted in its detailed press release.

When uploading them to streaming platforms, including Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube Music, the man would then change the songs' names to words like "Zygotes," "Zygotic," and "Zyme Bedewing," whatever that is.

The artist naming convention also followed a somewhat similar pattern, with names ranging from the normal-sounding "Calvin Mann" to head-scratchers like "Calorie Event," "Calms Scorching," and "Calypso Xored."

To manufacture streams for these fake songs, Smith allegedly used bots that stream the songs billions of times without any real person listening. As with similar schemes, the bots' meaningless streams were ultimately converted to royalty paychecks for the people behind them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Good. At a company, you get your ass fired if they catch you using non-approved equipment on company infrastructure. It can lead to leaks and infiltration, and lost of revenue.

In the military, that's people's lives!

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Every time I see this implemented, it always seems like screwing over the end user who is trying to join for the first time. Platforms like reddit and Tumblr benefit from a friction-free sign up system.

Imagine how challenging it is for someone joining Lemmy for the first time and suddenly having to provide trust elements like answering a few questions, or getting someone to vouch for them.

They'll run away and call Lemmy a walled garden.


Throughout the 19th century, news reports and medical journal articles almost always use the plant's formal name, cannabis. Numerous accounts say that "marijuana" came into popular usage in the U.S. in the early 20th century because anti-cannabis factions wanted to underscore the drug's "Mexican-ness." It was meant to play off of anti-immigrant sentiments.


The Open-Source Software Prevalence Initiative, announced at DEF CON, will examine how open source software is used in critical infrastructure.

National Cyber Director Harry Coker announced the initiative at the DEF CON conference in Las Vegas. Funding for the project, which seeks to learn how open source software is used in critical infrastructure and with the ultimate goal of strengthening national cybersecurity, comes from the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.


I was reading about Dungeon Meshi and Kuro, the "kobold".

Kobolds are usually depicted as canine humanoids in Japanese media compared to the more reptilian humanoids that kobolds are depicted as in western media[4] such as Dungeons and Dragons. The reason for this is credited as either a mistranslation of the first Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual[5] or because of the lack of reference art in said Monster Manual, but a picture of a jackalwere being present on the opposite page[6], which was then used as reference art for the anime, The Record of the Lodoss War. That anime is credited for solidifying the trope of canine kobolds in Japanese media.


And the supporting youtube video

Bonus fact: piglike orcs.

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