The only person that could turn a three letter word into three syllables
This entire thread is giving me impostor syndrome
Operation Human Shield!
Don't let an Italian catch you calling a Bialetti coffee an espresso.
A comma here could also be parsed as a vector, an apostrophe has never been used in numbers as anything other than a thousand separator. Well, except as the transpose command in Matlab... or to indicate a character vector... fuck. Just use scientific notation or spell it out for large numbers.
There's a word for if you mean exactly two: two.
Commas don't belong in numbers, not as a thousands separator and definitely not as a decimal point.
Also ISO8601 and that dark theme should be the default
Is this the answer to the mystery of the state of public bathrooms?
I didn't particularly like that episode because they didn't do another control test and just called it a day
Ousters when?
Dio know if there's anything he can do?