
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 14 hours ago

Not environmentally...

[–] [email protected] 13 points 14 hours ago

"Thanks for bringing it to our attention. You are now banned as well"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Mine with a daily year progress, A high amount of suggested content (booo) and some random stuff.
I keep it only around for thr aformentioned daily yeer progress tweets.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

uuuuhhh...Leading/trailing space. Almost as evil as the other comment who said to place a "," inbetween to fuck with the CSV.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 day ago (1 children)

If I get offered the whole calendar, I will use the whole calendar!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

It sure was a handful to configure the 15GB S3 onject storage to use in Veeam. Took me about 30-45min trying to find a guide on how to set it up with Veeam.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

It became almost a running gag in my life that if I like an item (sweets, yoghurt, toothpaste, ice cream, etc.) it will rather sooner than later be never restocked.
It happened now about 5-6 times while a significant other amount of similar items remain to be stocked. And those arent even limited in any capacity ;-;


So often they go end of sale. Once gone and restocked I will hoard it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

Probably certifications and paperwork for implementing this stuff + educating the customers with a significant higher entry cost than paying the 100k € for the SMS bill

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago (2 children)

At least use Aegis ;-;

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Assuming there isnt a publisher behind it that rakes the cash in first.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago (4 children)

At least if the company is run from the US


Hello fellow selfhosters, I tried to find a piece of software that could achieve my goal but maybe I am not searching in the correct areas. So I thought of asking here for suggestions or directions I could take.

What I am looking for:

I am looking for software that could fill a purpose of tracking like a helpdesk ticketing portal but not be a full blown ticketing portal.
For example I want to track current tasks like an RMA I am doing right now with Logitech (currently organized in my email inbox/folders) or keep track of shipments (currently tracked in Google Keep in this format: Shop | MM YYYY | Order-ID | Contents | Tracking:<Shipping Number>)

Features I am specifically looking for:

  • Tracking items (like shipments)
  • Keep track of issues (fix light bulb), Tasks (go to citizen office to renew ID),
    • Optionally: Keeping communication like E-Mails (like go back and see the communication history with Logitech concerning the RMA#999999)

Platforms I use:

Android and Windows.

What I have found so far and seemed to fit:

How I am coming to the conclusion I need something like that

  • As mentioned earlier, I keep track of some stuff like shipments, overtime todo, money I am owing or someone does owe me in Google Keep. It kinda works but I feel like I am straining the borders of it's use case. And I fear Googles Graveyard
  • I keep track of my e-mails via folders (to some extent). But I will probably not find the email of communication I had 5 months ago with that system.
    At work we use a classic ticket helpdesk system. I can more or less find the ticket of an issue a customer had on the phone and correlate it with the problem I have right now.
  • Some of my knowledge base is in for technical stuff or minor stuff like "find x here", while the stuff related for real life (e.g. recipes) are stored in OneNote.
    It's not necessary to consolidate it but maybe I can remove some of each into the new system?

What I would like to avoid:

Things like creating companies to track tickets with. I would rather just keep track of the issue (maybe with some form of history to go back in time?) and not be lost in endless classification of company number, telephone, contacts etc.

Maybe I am in search of a unicorn-glitter edition^tm^ and just need someone to tell me that doesn't exist or I am not looking for the correct thing or term.
The help is highly appreciated :)

PS: While preferred it doesn't need to be selfhosted. It should be accessible via smartphone (app or web doesnt really matter) and on desktop (program or web).


Currently in consideration are (thanks for the suggestions so far!):

  • OpenProject
  • Focalboard
  • Vikunja
  • Tarallo

Is the media downloaded/cached to the federated instance or will it go down with the hoster?

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