
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

I know! I told the Team lead id be in at 2. That's when I was scheduled and that's when I'm coming in. It's not my fault Becky got septic gonorrhea again. I'm going to sell my drones, and then I'll be there at my SCHEDULED time. Don't give me any of that "team player" bullshit either. All that "team playin" you managers have been doing is why everyone keeps getting septic gonorrhoea. So maybe focus more on your z-pack and get off of my back. How bout that.

If you need a drone tho I got you 10 a piece. Price break at 20. Brand new. Predator anti-personal. Can't resell them to Ukraine tho. I'm not pro Russia I just got beef with Zelensky. Owe him some money, don't want him to know I'm out here hustlin. Hit me up.

Edit: if you do want a drone maybe rub some of those z-pack anti bios on the bills tho. Don't need any of the Becky shit. I just got back with my baby momma you know and all she asked is "no more girls, no more drones, no more polyhedron with a surface areas greater than 30^2 centimeters on the larger faces " so we got keep this real down low, you feel me. You know how hard it was to get my kid back bro, so I got to keep this super light, no joke.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 hours ago

Funny side note I think the problem with both systems is lazy people not doing what they should.

I won't go over the example for how lazy people could effect socialism because I'm sure you've heard it a million times before.

I skip straight to capitalism.

People don't vote with their dollar like they should. Everyone hates Walmart, they still shop at Walmart. Everyone hates child slavery, they still buy chocolate. Women want real pockets in their clothing, they still buy clothing that does not have pockets.

I'm lazy too in that way. I don't shop at Walmart, and I don't really like chocolate.... But I hate how shitty airlines are... When I fly tho, I buy the cheapest ticket on the cheapest airline. Every single time.

That's the problem with capitalism. I'm lazy, we're all lazy.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 hours ago

Yes someone explain my poor phrasing. They even mentioned the word I mentioned but I forget.

I'm not the capitalist version of a tanky.

I believe the concept of capitalism could work, and I believe it would work better than socialism. Another common ground I have with socialist is that I understand the examples of my preferred... Arrangement of society have been corrupted and not run under the ideas they claim.

That's what I mean by common ground and that's where I sympathize. I wouldn't want someone pointing at trump and saying "that's capitalism!" And I would never point at Kim jun un and say "that's socialism"

I also understand the "ideal, pure, perfect implementation" of either idea probably isn't possible.

I lean more to capitalism.

That's what I meant when I said "I'm a capitalist" I misspoke.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 19 hours ago (4 children)

Pointing out I can disagree with someone's ideas and still recognize when they are being very reasonable.

capitalists that are less so.

Ah the ol' "you're stupid" rebuttal. Works every time. Automatic win in every debate lol

[–] [email protected] 7 points 21 hours ago (10 children)

I'm a capitalist. The person you are responding to sounded very reasonable.

"the US doesn't like"

That's very true. The us does not like north Korea. That isn't saying north Korea is good. It's just saying there are motives at play to make north Korea look as bad as possible.

If I said Jeffrey Epstein was a cannibal, you can say "no he wasn't" without thinking he was a good person.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

As long as you don't ask any questions... I got you. Meet me beside the dumpster at wendys. I prefer to be paid directly in drugs but cash app is fine to.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago

One day he will rule, I hope he lets us live.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago

Sure wink and oddly enough spark plug cleaner smells a lot like perfume wink

I got you bro.

[–] [email protected] 122 points 1 day ago (6 children)

I love that part of the internet.

Kinda like "guy code"

"Was said he was with you last night"

"Yep, all night. Cleaned the spark plugs in my car and drained the blinker fluid. Couldn't have done it without him "

But instead it's "parent code"

"Yeah fortnight is closed. They close it so everyone can get a good night's sleep and be ready for the morning!"

I was going to tell a personal story about telling my son McDonald's was closed when I was broke or in a hurry but it reminded me of another cute store.

My son broke his arm in a McDonald's once. Hyper extended his elbow. Got a couple pins.

Anyway a year or so later they completely remodeled that McDonald's.

We drove by the demolished building during the remodel and my son shouted "that's what you get for breaking my arm! Who's broken now!"

Adorable vengeance served adorably cold.