Doggos ensure that their owners touch grass daily.
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Picking up shit with a plastic bag. Hm.
Partaking in public maintenance, thus imparting an appreciation for the humble city worker. Doggos stay winning.
Picking up shit with a metal scoop isn't much better.
Speak for yourself, I love rain walks one of my golden doodles absolutely loves to play in puddles. In the rain runoff between the street and side walk curb (idk what to call it) she loves to put her nose against the flow of water and walk forward while blowing bubbles
She also likes to play in the towel when I’m drying her off and gets the zoomies when drying herself off
Doggos make even bad weather good.
As an office worker who's good at finding excuses, a dog is an amazing reason to make yourself walk at least an hour a day.
And being comfortable is overrated.
Amen, great for physical and mental health.
Had a lovely walk in the rain this afternoon. I get not wanting to go out, but the love of our furry friends is so worth it. And yeah, cats love us too, but watching my pup get the zoomies in the empty park is something else
I find both cats and dogs are fun in their own way, but dogs are definitely a bigger commitment. The fact that you do have to take walks with them is at least good for you healthwise though. :)
It makes sense that they are, since we've been cohabitating with them for around 20,000 years longer. They've had a lot more time to become dependent on us.
They're also social animals by nature where cats tend to be solitary. I find my cats mostly keep to themselves, and come out to hang out for a bit here and there which is perfect for me. Kind of like having a reclusive roommate who's really chill.
Nothing hits as good as a cold rainy dog walk. Love it.
Yes, entering with the wet and dirty dog after this in your living room.
That's why every dog owner has some old towels next to the door. Seems like a degree of preparedness beyond the understanding of the cat person.
A few years ago I lived in a rural village and there I had a dog, doberman mix, and also cats, of course when you came home with the dog after a rainy walk, there was a towel waiting in the hallway, next to the entrance but if a 45 kg energetic creature decides that shaking it out, running into the house and jumping onto the sofa is enough before you can reach for the towel, make method with the towel often turns out to be questionable. Never problems of this with cats, only that cats and dogs together are a terrible team (Cats know how to open the refrigerator and the dog has enough strength to do it.)
I could see the cat manipulating the dog into opening the fridge for them.
Exact, if you have cat and dog, you know that the cat is always the boss.
I'm a dog person with a fenced backyard, a dog door, and a mudroom (a room meant to get dirty while I clean them off if it's raining). They get to walk and do their business, I get to not walk them in the rain or cold. Win/win.
Honestly, I couldn't ever own my own dog for so many reasons.
One of them being this. I would need a house with a gated yard to let them go out without having to go out for the walk myself, and that's probably not happening. I had this life with a partner's dogs, truly miserable shit for me. I don't know how people to do it day after day after day after day after day after day. Maddening. You don't leash your dog, they leash you.
After a while I realized I had a lot of partners with cats and never even really thought much about or noticed their cats, unless I was taking care of them while they were out of town and even then it was chill. I'm on Team Kitty now.
Cats are definitely more my speed as well. I find mine need like maybe 15-20 min attention a day and they mind their own business otherwise. It works perfectly for me.
Yeah, that's perfect. What kind of cat do you have?
I think one day I may like to have a Maine Coon. Where I currently live there are three outdoor cats that like to chill outside my place so I'm planning on befriending them.
I've got two, both just generic tabby cats. I got the black one 9 years ago as a kitten, and the grey from a shelter a couple of years ago. Both are indoors and pretty chill. :)
they really are :)
I may be miserable while walking, but my dogs are happy and that makes me happy at the end
Joke's on you, cat people! My tiny dog's litter trained. That happened in early 2020. (Partner is immunocompromised, so we were doing a full strip-and-shower every time we came into the apartment from the shared hallway. It got old.)
Pup is also elderly and has an injured leg (canine equivalent of a torn ACL), so he's now on "boring short walks, exciting being-carried-through-dog-friendly-stores".
I don't get this angle of cats vs dogs at all. Jokes on dog owners for, properly taking care of their dogs and ensuring they get their required exercise and enrichment no matter the weather, I guess? Kind of a tasteless thing to make fun of someone over.
The joke is that by choosing this type of pet, the owners subject themselves to doing things they aren't enjoying doing.
IDK about anyone else but I enjoy walking my dog no matter the weather, because the enjoyment comes from seeing my dog happy and playful and not from the walk itself. I feel like if something like this is a deal breaker for you, you're probably not a dog person to begin with and would indeed be more happy with a cat. No judgement in that case, but the notion that most dog owners hate walking their dog is kind of silly.
More than anything, I submit that we should just love our own pets instead of trying to make fun of others for theirs. There are advantages and disadvantages to both cats and dogs, and this kind of rhetoric really isn't helpful to either of them.
You seem to be taking this joke rather personally. If you enjoy walking your dog no matter the weather, then good for you. Not sure why you're so upset over a comic to be honest.
I guess I am. Probably not the healthiest thing for me to do, but I was just reminded of my experiences with really venomous cat vs dog debates that I've witnessed.
I find both are good pets and fit different people better. I don't know why people get so worked up over these things to be honest. Was really meant as light humor and nothing more.
When I had a dog I hated taking it for walks. Bleh. She was kinda foisted on me against my will and had so much energy. I had (have) zero energy.
I don't really get the "dog owners" vs "cat owners" war. It's the same thing I see on Facebook about random hobbies against other random hobbies. I do know there's a certain sort of dude that views cat ownership as feminine, although they're all older than 50.
But look how cute those drenched dogs are with their long snoots!
Honestly I much prefer walking the dog in winter than during summer. Nothing is worse than going outside at midnight and still facing 28°C
Enjoy the smell of that litter box! Be sure to clean it daily to avoid Toxoplasmosis.
"Ha ha, you have to scoop a litterbox whereas I only have to scoop up big dog turds!"
Weird flex, but okay.
Enjoy picking up shit with your hands every day.
Training for kids, I guess.
We use flushable litter, so it takes like 30 seconds twice a day to scoop and flush it.
Less if you use clumping litter, with it all remains become solids which yo can eliminate easy with an shovel and the rest remains clean. It cost a few more (+€1-2), but last 2-3 more time of normal litter.